Wingman Day

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When George expected his morning, he thought about a peaceful sleep in, cuddling with his boyfriend, and then getting up and hanging out with his crew. Maybe pop in for a swim, who knows?

He for sure had not been expecting to be rudely awoken much earlier than he cared to admit, almost dragged out of bed by Dream. If he wasn't with the man, he'd murder him.

"What do you want?" George groaned out in annoyance, grabbing the pillow underneath him and slamming it on top of his head, blocking his ears. He had two moments of silence before it was ripped away from him, sunlight streaming into his eyes, causing him to hiss.

Dream's grinning face was inches from his, so George peeked an eye open slightly, grumbling to himself. 

"Up up up, Georgie!" Dream whispered excitedly, the brunette pouting.

"Why?" he whispered back, "Why get up when you could lay in bed with me and cuddle?" Dream laughed at his response, leaning back a little bit.

"Well," Dream started, "convincing argument. On a normal day, I'd totally take up your offer for it...but today is not a normal day!" George winced at the noise and rubbed some sleep dust out of his eyes.

"Okay..." he trailed off, "what day is it then?"

The blonde grinned again, plopping down onto the side of the bed and running a hand through George's fluffy hair.

"Today is wingman day!" There was silence for a moment before George huffed and pulled their blanket back up to his face.

"I know for a fact you just made that up. I'm going back to bed."

"I didn't just make it up!" Dream responded, fake pouting, but George just stared at him with a raised eyebrow before he admitted defeat. Dream huffed, leaning back.

"Okay, fine. I did make it up. A few years ago. But, it's still important!" George sighed, blinking for a second, before leaning up and plopping his back on the bed frame.

"Okay, I'll bite. What's wingman day?" George asked calmly, causing Dream to burst into a smile, pulling their hands together.

"I'm glad you asked, dear lover!" "Call me 'dear lover' again and I'll bite you." "That's kinda-" "Don't finish that sentence."

Dream sighed fondly at the brunette, who snorted, before flopping down on the bed, dragging George down with him, the man yelping in surprise.

"Wingman day, George, is a day I have every year, created specifically to get together my friends!" Dream informed him, George raising an eyebrow in interest.

"Get together your friends?" George echoed, and Dream tipped his head to the side.

"Well, if they need it." George snorted at his response and then hummed. "Okay, and has it ever worked before?" he questioned, and Dream's smile faltered for a moment before he beamed even stronger than before.

"Technically, no! But this year I have you~" Dream mockingly cooed, causing George to let out an abrupt (and surprised) laugh. They sat in comfortable silence for a few seconds, before George dramatically sighed, pulling Dream up into a sitting position with him.

"Alright. Fine. Who are we 'wingmanning'?" George asked, laughing softly, while Dream fist pumped in victory.

George watched him and rolled his eyes, clicking his fingers together to get the blonde's attention. Dream blushed slightly, before shaking his head, fluffy hair bouncing. He leaned forward, smirking slightly, and George blinked slowly as he watched Dream. Just as Dream got close, he stopped and tilted his head.

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