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 Hey there! Before you read this, I just wanted to let you know that this story is currently being rewritten and republished on my page! It's been about two years since I first wrote this story for the world to read, and I think my writing has improved since then. I wanted to rewrite it with my new talents in mind. It will be the same general premise and most of the same plot points; however, I still recommend you read the other one instead. The quality is going to be much better. There are going to be some differences and I think that you'll find many new easter eggs and plot points to enjoy (especially toward the end)!

If you haven't read the original FOUND before, don't worry; you don't have to. The new one is the same story but with a new spin and, in my opinion, even better. Don't feel like you have to read this one first because it's not required for you to enjoy the new one.

Of course, if you'd prefer to read this one first, go ahead. But there's one of much better quality waiting for you on the top of my page. Just look for REWRITTEN. 

Thank you guys for your support as always!


  In the early hours of the morning, Professor Will Graham and Behavioral Science Head Jack Crawford walked side by side along the campus of the FBI Academy. Graham, on his way to give a lecture, listened to Jack with visible annoyance on his face. He stared straight ahead, hands in his pockets. He was guarded, frustrated, clearly drained by having to interact with someone else.

     "I'm afraid you have to do it, Will," Jack said. "I'm not letting you go any further without some help."

     "I can take care of myself."

     "No, you've already proven to me that you can't. You had a near breakdown at the scene yesterday." Jack sighed. "You're a talented profiler. You've given me nothing but useful information. I just think you need a little guidance."

     "I don't need to talk out my feelings like some troubled teenager." Will stared intently at the ground as he walked. "I just need to build up the calluses."

     Never mind what he'd seen yesterday. Never mind the way his body had trembled at the sight of the dead girl, the tears that had escaped against his will. He was stronger than that— it had simply been a while since he'd looked at a crime scene. He could build up the courage again. He didn't need anyone's help.

     "I'm not going to be the one to break you. I won't be responsible for it. Everyone could use a little help, Will. Nothing to be ashamed of."

     Will held back a scoff of indignation. "I don't want any of that 'how does that make you feel' shit. Laying on the couch and talking about my problems. I don't even know how I feel most of the time."

     "Don't be stubborn. Doctor Lecter isn't that type of psychiatrist."

     Will nearly stopped in his tracks, finally glancing up and raising his brows. "As in..that Doctor Lecter?"

     "Yes. I'd bring you nothing but the best."

     "Huh." Hannibal Lecter was well-renowned in the medical field: talented surgeon, top of his class, effective psychiatrist. Will had read many of the man's papers— quite frankly, he was a little bit pretentious, but he was undoubtedly smart. Alana Bloom, a colleague of both Lecter and Jack, constantly praised Lecter's methods. She must have been behind this.

     "I want you to meet him on Thursday. He'll be stopping by to get a general idea of the situation."

     Will closed his eyes and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "I'll talk to him," he agreed, "but I can't promise we'll click."

     "Doctor Lecter is very skilled at getting the results he wants. If he wants to click with you, he will."

     "That's not threatening." The two came to a stop outside the lecture hall, and Will shifted the heavy bag on his shoulder. Jack took that as a sign to leave.

     "We'll take a it a little at a time, okay?" He put his hand on Will's shoulder. "It'll all be good."

     Before Will could object, Jack began to walk away, leaving him to his class.


     Will awoke in the middle of the night drenched in sweat, unsure of what had disturbed his sleep. Frustrated, he rubbed his face and peeked at the nightstand clock— 3:24 AM. Great.

     He heard a faint rustling coming from somewhere near him, but none of the dogs at the foot of bed stirred. It turned into an audible creaking, a sound that Will recognized all too well: it was the sound of someone walking across his floorboards. Then, a sudden weight on the other side of the bed. The weight of another human body. Slowly, he turned to his side.

     The body of Elise Nichols lay supine next to him, her glassy eyes fixated on the ceiling. Will felt his chest tighten.

     Slowly, she began to turn her head, the bones in her neck cracking one by one. Her face was grey, the skin waxy, and she parted her blue lips and sighed rancid, musty breath into Will's face. Will chewed on his bottom lip.

     "Help me," she rasped. "Help me."

     This was a common sight. Will sighed and turned his back to her, curling up into a ball. "I'm sorry," he replied. "I can't help you."

     A freezing palm on the back of his neck. Her fingers crept towards the front of his throat, and before Will could react she had her hands around him, choking him from behind. Will kicked out, trying to pry her hands away, but she was surprisingly strong.

     Elise began to scream. It rang throughout the room, an anguished, high-pitched sound that made Will want to cover his ears. She was in pain. She was scared. Her screams multiplied, becoming the cries of many, many girls just like her.

     And then he opened his eyes. Early-morning sunlight spilled in through the window. Elise was gone. She'd never been there.

     The horrid screeching sound was still going. Will reached over and shut off his alarm clock, shrouding the room in silence.

     He did need help. He really, really needed help.

     He reluctantly picked up his phone, and with his knees curled up to his chest he called Jack.

     "I'll talk to Doctor Lecter," he said. "But I need it to be today."

FOUND: A Hannigram Devil AUWhere stories live. Discover now