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Will wandered the hospital like a zombie, unsure of where exactly he was going. He paced, raking his fingers through his hair and fighting back tears. What the hell had he done?
He was startled out of his revery by a hand on his shoulder. He stiffened, expecting Hannibal, but it was just Jack. To Will's surprise, Jack looked downtrodden.
"Go home," he said. "Go home, rest, and come back on Monday. I'm ordering you to rest, Will, you got it?"
His head in a fog, Will nodded. Hannibal was nowhere to be found, so he was able to slip out unnoticed and begin the long drive home.
He drove in complete silence, watching the faint rain come down onto his windshield. The whirring of the car along with the movement was relaxing, and he took the time to let himself think. He couldn't help but feel somewhat ashamed of himself, but he wondered if that was just hindsight coming back to bite him.
Hannibal had evoked some kind of desperation in him that he'd never felt before. Standing there with a breathtaking creature watching him, offering him everything he'd ever wanted— it had sent him into a frenzy. He was almost unwilling to let go of his hand, as if holding on long enough would bring them closer together. His beauty was something else, something spectacular.
Still, he'd made a deal with the devil. Any sane person would advise him against that. And now he couldn't shake the feeling that he was trapped.
His cabin in Wolf Trap was a welcome sight, even though he'd just come back the previous day. He hadn't been present then; he'd simply wandered in a stupor, feeding the dogs and then going right back to the hospital.
He got out of the car and turned towards the sunset. It was nearly gone, the sky a rich purple as the last sliver of sunshine sank into the earth. He anxiously awaited the arrival of the dark.
The dogs barked and crowded him as soon as he opened the front door. He welcomed them with open arms, sitting on the floor and letting them have their way. They fought for attention, butting their heads together and pawing at Will's clothes. Bacon, his pug, scrambled onto his lap while making noises reminiscent of a choking pig. Will smiled.
"I missed you guys," he said. "Dad missed you." If he couldn't count on anyone else, he could count on his dogs.
He went through the long process of feeding them, letting them out, and changing their water, and as he worked he found himself getting more and more exhausted. It was like the feeling of home had reminded his body of sleep, how greatly he needed it. He was afraid to listen to his body, though; he had no idea what was in store for him, and he didn't want to find out.
When he led the dogs back into the bedroom, he was startled by a sudden aggressive bark. He turned his head; his German Shepard was baring its teeth at something invisible, something right near Will's bed. The other dogs followed suit, some cowering in fear while others yipped and jumped at whatever was there. Will tried to find what they were so scared of, but he couldn't see anything.
Then, all of a sudden, he felt cold fingers trailing on the back of his neck. For a split second there was a shadow emerging from behind behind his bed, one with large antlers and wings. It vanished when he blinked.
     "I didn't say you could come into my house," Will said to the wall. He hugged himself, shuddering. "Watching me sleep wasn't part of it."
     He didn't get a response, but the dogs abruptly stopped barking. They gathered around Will's legs like they normally did.
"Hey, it's okay." He knelt down to the dogs, trying to hide the tremors in his hands. He wrapped his arms around the German Shepard.
"It's okay." He buried his face into the dog's fur, inhaling the scent. "It's..it was just Dad's friend."
He sat there for a long while, but eventually he got up and changed into boxers. The dogs didn't bark again.
He wanted to avoid sleep, but it was futile. The bed was so enticing. He sank into the mattress like he was made of stone, and he fell fast asleep the second his head hit the pillow.
It was a deep sleep, dreamless. Will remembered a vague feeling of floating— the dark was welcoming, enveloping him not with malevolence, but with the promise of safety. It was like a quiet stream, a soft blanket. There was not a single sound from any ghost; no glimpses, no screams, no touches. There was only quiet, comforting darkness.
     When Will finally woke up, the sun was shining through his bedroom window. The dogs were whining to get out and taste the fresh air. Will turned to look at the clock on his bedside table.
     Almost ten in the morning. He'd slept for fourteen hours. His sleeping pills sat untouched next to the clock. For the first time in what felt like years, his eyes were wide open, not weighed down with exhaustion. He felt like he had shed a burdensome part of himself. He was utterly awake, and it terrified him.
     He forced himself to get out of bed and let the dogs out. He sat on the front porch, letting the sun seep into his skin. The little taste of warmth let him drown out the cold air that was settling in his lungs. He wondered now if he would always be cold.
     He pulled out his phone and called Hannibal.
     "Will. I was hoping to hear from you."
     His voice struck an unexpected fear into Will. "What..what did you do to me?"
     There was a pause on the other end. "Sleep well?"
     "What. Did. You. Do."
     "I gave you what you asked for. I hope you're satisfied." He spoke like he was giving a mere work report rather than half of a demonic bond. "And I hope you're going to give me what I've asked for."
      Will took a shaky breath. What else could he do? "I will."
     "Great. You'll remember our session on Tuesday?"
     "Mhm. And I'll be back to work Monday. We need to talk."
     "I look forward to it."
     "Hannibal." Will spoke before Hannibal could hang up. "I..I slept well. Really, really well."
     "Wonderful." There was a smile in his voice. "It'll only get better from here."
     Will hoped so.

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