News About This Fic

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 Hey there! I just wanted to let you know that this story is currently being rewritten and republished on my page! It's been about two years since I first wrote this story for the world to read, and I think my writing has improved since then. I wanted to rewrite it with my new talents in mind. It will be the same general premise and most of the same plot points; however, I still recommend you read the other one even if you've read this one already. The quality is going to be much better. There are going to be some differences, and I think that you'll find many new easter eggs and plot points to enjoy (especially toward the end)!

If you haven't read the original FOUND before, don't worry; you don't have to. The new one is the same story but with a new spin and, in my opinion, even better. Don't feel like you have to read this one first because it's not required for you to enjoy the new one.

Of course, if you'd prefer to read this one first, go ahead. But there's one of much better quality waiting for you on the top of my page. Just look for REWRITTEN.

Thank you guys for your support as always!

FOUND: A Hannigram Devil AUWhere stories live. Discover now