Episode 1 ~ Though out of everything... How am I going down...

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"Abracadabra" A small girl says waving a wand over stone toads.

This caused the other girl to giggling that was sitting across from her they both were wearing matching outfits one was pink and other was blue. She held out her hand calling out to the girl with the wand, "My turn! My turn, Lana!"

Just as the bell to the store chimed and in walked a couple. They looked over at flowers as the male called out, "Good afternoon Mel."

The women behind the counter turned exited by his call greeted them, "Jonathan! Martha. What a surprise? What brings the exclusive Kent's town."

"Tulips. Red ones if you have them." Martha reposed quickly walking to the counter.

Mel reached behind her asking with a smile, "What about a tiger orchid?"

Jonathan was quick to respond for his wife walking to her side, "No, thanks. Martha has her heart set on tulips."

"Yes, well, they are a very uncomplicated flower." Mel answered with a smile walking away going to get the plant.

Martha looked over in the girls direction approaching them. She spoke to them with a kind smile, "Those are beautiful dress, girls! Are you both princesses?"

The girl in blue speaks up holding the wand, "We're fairy princesses."

Jonathan calls out to Mel, "Where are her parents?"

"They're at the homecoming game. I had the shop and Lily anyways so I offered to be the good aunt." She told him with a laugh.

"Would you like to make a wish?" Lily asked the red head women with a smile.

She looks surprise before nodding with a smile answering, "I would love to make a wish."

"Abracadabra" Lily says waving the wand just as Lana had moments before.

Martha closed her eyes as she did her magic opening them again making the young girl laugh. Before she thanked her for magic as Jonathan prayed for the flowers before the exited the shop. The girls went back to playing together.

It wasn't to soon before the girls attention was dawn outside. Lana and Lily were both taken outside by Mel to see many cars driving by with lots of screaming and yelling of happiness. Mel picked up Lana in her arms and holds Lily's hand walking towards the door. She looked up at the sky in confusion asking, "What in gods earth?"

Car door closing sound could be heard as a women called out, "Hi, Lana!"

The girl looked in their direction as her face bighted up, "Mommy! Daddy!"

"Aunt Laura! Mommy! Look it Aunt Laura!" Lily called up to her mother just as exited making Mel look at the children.

The two adults smiled as they started waking towards the three only to stop and look up at the sky. Making Mel and the girls to look at what they were seeing. Only for a strange medoid to land on them and the car blowing it up. Causing screams to be heard and running a chaos and confusion to ensue.

As many more meteors were to follow. Causing lots of destruction all over Smallville in their wake. Lana cried for her mom as Lily was also in tears holding onto her mom. Mel held the two girl in shock at what was happening protecting the two.

~ Fifteen year later ~

Sound of a motorcycle a black one turns into the parking lot of Smallville Highschool. The girl on it parked and turned it off. She swung her leg up getting out. She took off the helmet flipping her hair as she did.

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