Episode 2 ~ Sure... Now you work! Stupid powers!

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Lily was sitting in the sky with her feet and arms closed clearly deep in though. She started rabbling up in the air, "Warrior Angel flying ability worked like normal, right?! I certainly don't remember him being stuck suspended in the air with no way down..."

"I'm up here and floa... floating... because of the crash.. I should be able to control it? Right!? It's just gravity defying logic... well... Ok, so maybe if close my eyes, take deep breath... I can control.... it? If I can It's walking into the unknown..." She finished ranting and had a look that clearly read unsureness.

Closing her eyes as if to think of something and took a few slow and deep breath. Unknown to her that  Lily's body to start flouting down or more like free falling down causing her to shirk. She landed onto the ground with a 'boom'.

To the teens surprise, she didn't feel a thing and that their wasn't a single scratch or injury. Standing with a sigh relief being on solid ground again.

Only for her bikes explosion to catch her attention. Lily turned back with widen eyes and a screamed, "Aw, man! All my homework and stuff was in their! I just gave her a new paint job, too! Stupid deer!"

Her emotions started making her feet leave the ground again. Causing her to gasp before closing her eyes to calming herself again relishing it was emotions causing it. A man would stop asking her, "Lily!? My goodness are you ok? Rachel call the ambience and police!"

The man yelled to the women next to him jumping out if his pickup and running to her. 


The sound of sirens could be heard as a fire tuck and police came surrounding her bike.

Which was strange seeing, but to be honest that truly wasn't the strangest... They came and checked on her to which they were surprise she wasn't injured. Soon a pickup would arrive as her mom would come out and pull Lily into a hug.

"I'm so glad your, ok! Let me look at you." She said pulling away and looking at her daughter and checking her neck were her necklace usably was.

Her face turned pale asking, "Where is your blue necklace... Did you take it off Lily! I told you to..."

"Why! What's so important that I can't take it off mom! Is that necklace really more important the me almost dyeing! Do you not see my bike is in flames! It exploded mom!" Lily yelled at her mother's be behavior and clearly upset.

Seeing to notice that quickly told her as if to calm her down, "Lily, calm down, sweet heart. I glad your alright really. You need to tell me. Did anything happen? Strange strength? Moving faster then normal?"

'Ya! I was in the sky! Why is she asking me that?' Lily thought looking at her mom only to see her staring as her in fear and looked completely terrified as if she would hurt her.

She looked away and answered quietly, "Nothing. I guess I'm just lucky, to be alive"

Her mom's face changed think with her face changed, 'Many be Kul-Zod was wrong..."

Nell pulled her daughter into another hug thanking the police and medics pulling her to the truck. Lily couldn't help but look at her mother once more thinking, 'Why did she look at me that way?'


They continued their away home Lily looked at her mother as they drove home in silence. Once they arrived she got out and started walking to the house as Mel called out, "Lily. Why don't you stay home from school tomorrow and..."

"No, I'm fine." Lily said stopping for a second before continuing to walk away.

"You just got into a serious accident and I..." The older women calls out in concern to her daughter.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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