■ Kinsey Locke ■

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You and the Locke's were trying to find Dodge, turns out she was in their house

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You and the Locke's were trying to find Dodge, turns out she was in their house. She was in Keyhouse, that Great..

"Kinsey.. I don't think we're alone" you said.

"Its gonna be okay Y/n I promise" She said looking at me reassuringly. "I promise" She says once more.
I nod, not believing it but she can atleast believe it.. you know? We all walked down the hall, Tyler behind me, Bode infront of Kinsey, who was next to me.

The floor boards creeking, it was light, till the lights flicker, then break, both me and Kinsey screech. I grab her arm and close my eyes at the suden noises.

"Hey, its okay Y/n. Its just a noise." She says

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