■ Kinsey Locke ■

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You figure out that you have deep feelings for Kinsey, but she's your best friend

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You figure out that you have deep feelings for Kinsey, but she's your best friend

You sat on the top of your bed thinking about how, why, you fell in love with your best friend.

'How could I?'


'Shes straight and I'm- I'm me!'

'She could never even think about liking someone even remotely close to me

'She never did and never will love me'

You thought to yourself crying, screaming into your pillow. Thinning about all the times we've had together, her beautiful laugh. Her smile, her body, her voice, I could go on... and on..

She's just so- ... perfect. But she's just

Not interested..

You know what at least she should know- she should know how I Feel!

Wiping my tears, quickly grabbing my phone and calling her

Calling: My Beauty 💕

"Hel- "

"Kinsey! Before you even say anything I have something VERY important to tell you. Okay don't say a word cause I'm about to have a whole speech okay?"
She takes a breath and says yes

"I'minlovewithyoubutIknowyoudon't likemebackandthatsokaybutIjustwantedtotellyouthat"

(I'm in love with you but I know you dotn like me back and that's okay but I just wanted to tell you that!)

Before she could reject me I hung up and sighed knowing I had made the wrong decision. Till my phone went of.

~Boy with loveeee~ it played, yes at have BTS as my notifications sound.

Message from: My beauty 💕

I thought you should know I like you back.

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