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As I was almost near, I surprised him by pushing him inside the pool.

He dipped for a second and came up pushing his hair back.

His grey eyes shone in the moonlight very brightly and his lips were plumpy since it was in the water.

" Call it even?" I said squatting as he swam towards me

He started laughing and so did I.

He pulled me down.

" Calling it even", He said while I look at him amazed.

" You amaze me", I said as I begin to shove water and he did the same.

We were having our little water fight.

I did not know if I was hallucinating or what but I felt someone was watching us.

After a couple of minutes of playing in the water, we sat up.

We sat next to each other while hanging our legs down, I was playing with it.

We were silent for a couple of moments and I did not find the silence uncomfortable.

Like it was nice, we were okay with each other's company.

" Get up we'll go get changed before one of us gets sick",  I said standing up and so did he after he nodded agreeing to me.

We walk down the stairs laughing and making fun.

" We were playing games do you wanna join? " he asks and I hesitate.

" I am pretty sure Jorge won't be there " he assures me.

" I'll go get changed", I say

In a few minutes I got changed I left my hair down since it was wet.

I go ring onto Felix's doorbell and it opens.

Felix looks at me and his eyes widen for a second and he goes back to normal, he opens the door wider and I walk in.

I see Jorge was not there, and I sigh out of relief.

" Are you looking for someone?"  Felix says.

" Hey that was quick",  Simon says coming out of Felix's room wearing a black tee and some sweatpants.

" Yeah I know", I said walking past Felix.

Punching Simon in his arm

" Ouch what was that for? " he asks and I stick my tongue out.

We go sit on the couch.

And in a few minutes, the power went out.

This is for the second time here.

" Woooo" the boys screamed.

Felix walked near us with candles.

While Vik had his torch on

" Guys let's play a game", Filly says drawing all our attention.

" So let's assume Loren is a girl right now " Filly continues.

Huh? Excuse me?

What the?

" Bro " I scream

" Oh shit you are", he says and we all chuckle while I slap onto his thigh playfully.

" So we are about to play something like Bachelorette, who has the girl's last rose wins " he explains.

" Bro that's lame shit, but I'm down", Simon says and I shake my head while I let out a laugh.

And for a mere second my eyes meet Felix's I caught him staring at me for a moment while he turns away trying to hide.

Well okay


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