In Which We Have A School Festival

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Coming back to school after having a break made me so sad. That first day, my mom had to basically drag me out of my bed to get me up and dressed. I wasn't the only one who was dreading it. All of my friends looked as exhausted and upset as I felt, and the faces of the other students reflected the same emotions. We all just wanted summer to come already, but I think the school admins could tell how bummed out we were because they decided to have an entire day just dedicated to having fun. In other words, we were going to have an impromptu school festival.

Of course, they had to prepare for such an event, so we still had to deal with the boring monotony of typical school days until they were able to get everything planned and set up. Finally, a date was set two weeks into May, and everyone suddenly got their spirits up again. With all the things they were boasting about, we couldn't wait to see what was going to happen. They were really hyping things up. Even the teachers seemed excited.

When the day finally arrived, I bounced out of bed and went to my closet to find something cute to wear. Since everyone would be there and pictures would be taken, I wanted to look good. I settled on a striped crop top, cuffed jeans, and converse. I still wanted to be comfy for the day's activities. When I came downstairs, my mom said I looked cute and helped me get my hair up into space buns. I barely had enough time for breakfast, but I managed to get a bowl of cereal into my system before we had to leave for the car.

My friends and I normally got to school at the same time, so I went to the commons and found Sienna waiting for me. She was always the earliest of the group. She wore a really adorable outfit with a skirt, and she told me all about the necklace she was wearing. Then, Vick showed up, and finally Syd. We walked through the halls looking like some bad babes and feeling great. Vick broke off early since she had a different homeroom, but Syd, Sienna, and I all went together to the same class. Syd went and sat at her seat while Sienna and I talked excitedly back and forth at our table.

Finally, after our teacher took roll, we were all let out of class to go explore the school. The three of us quickly met back up with Vick and went to find somewhere to sit in the cafeteria. We grabbed a table and Sienna took out the activities schedule for us to look at. There was so much to do that I wasn't sure where to go first. There were classic comedy movies showing in the auditorium. The cafeteria had a plethora of snacks to choose from. The gym was filled with game stations. Different classes were hosting different things; Mr. Mackle's class had guinea pig races, Mrs. Homes was teaching people how to make rock candy, etc. Outside, there was even more to enjoy.

In the end, we just decided to get some snacks and walk around to see what we would come across first. The classrooms wouldn't be having stable schedules like the other areas of the school, so it made the most sense to hit those first. There was plenty to do and lots of new teachers to meet. Even though our school was two floors, we got through them all with half of the day still left. My favorites were the guinea pig races and making fudge in the cooking classroom, but everything else was really fun, too.

By that time, everyone was called outside to the football field, where we got to eat our lunches outside. The food was just hamburgers and fries, but it tasted a lot better than usual since we were all having fun. It was a nice day out too. It wasn't rainy or cold, but it also wasn't sweltering. There was enough cloud coverage to stop the sun from beaming down, but it was still bright and pretty outside.

There was of course still time to do things after lunchtime. Since we were already outside, we decided to go around and do the stuff there. It was mostly games where you could win prizes, but they also had chalk drawing on the basketball court and a literal food fight in the soccer fields. The school supplied us with grapes and stuff to throw! Needless to say, we didn't participate in that one. Even though they weren't necessarily gross or messy foods, I didn't want to risk getting something on my clothes, and neither did anybody else.

After we explored all of that, we went to the gym, where we played even more games and won more prizes. I was glad I took my backpack with me because I was a champ and kept winning a lot. Vick wasn't so lucky, so I offered her some space in my bag to hold her things. Syd was unlucky for another reason; she couldn't win. At the end of everything, all she'd gotten was a pack of gum and a mood ring. She took it in stride though and made jokes about actually being skilled and the games being rigged. We were all having too much fun to let something that silly ruin our day.

We ended our school day in the auditorium. Home Alone was on and I was absolutely dying. That movie was one that I loved to watch at Christmastime with my dad. It never failed to make me laugh. My friends didn't seem to find it as funny as I did, but that was okay with me. As long as we were all having a good time, the movie's comedy didn't really matter. Everybody has a different sense of humor, after all.

The movie ended at just the right time. The bell rang, and all the students trailed out of the room. I gave Vick back her prizes, and Syd helped her carry them to her mom's car. They were going to hang out after school. Sienna and I, on the other hand, went our separate ways with smiles on our faces.

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