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Parts twelve through twenty-nine of "Post-Asmodeus Sabriel Feels" have been written for months now, and I never posted them on Wattpad. Now is the time to start hauling the stories from other fanfiction sites to this one.


Anyway, installment number twelve was written for Willows Dancing in the Wind on, who told me that

I would like to see more Dean and Gabriel interaction. Maybe Dean having to wake Gabriel up from a nightmare and he's the only one home to comfort him. I'd like to see them bond over Hell.

The rest of the "Post-Asmodeus" series is on its way. Note to self: stop neglecting this account.

Gabriel had fallen asleep at the table.

Dean found him when he entered the kitchen to make himself a sandwich. He wasn't surprised. Even with a fair portion of grace back in action, Gabriel was exhausted at least ninety percent of the time and functioned poorly without rest. In any case, sleep and nutrition accelerated the replenishment process. Most likely, by Castiel's estimates, Gabriel would have had to spend an extra month or so recovering from Asmodeus sucking him dry.

So here he was, face planted on the table between his arms. Next to his head was a half-drunk mug of coffee and an unwrapped granola bar.

Well, Dean thought, opening the fridge as quietly as he could, at least Gabriel had tried to eat.

Dean sniffed at the deli drawer to make sure he was still more likely to die from ghouls slurping out his insides through a straw than by slimy roast beef, then fished out some cheese and grabbed a bottle of mayonnaise from one of the side shelves. He hoped he could find at least one clean plate in the cupboard.


Crap, he'd been too loud.

Dean turned. "Sorry man, I - "

But Gabriel was still unconscious. He'd shifted so that his face was turned to the side.

Dean watched him carefully. Gabriel moaned softly. "Stop," he mumbled again.

Dean set the mayonnaise back on the shelf. "Gabe."

Gabriel flinched in his sleep.

"Gabe," Dean repeated, louder this time.

Gabriel jerked awake and shot upright. He didn't spot Dean right away but still looked panicked once he did.

"Gabriel," said Dean, "Everything okay?"

Gabriel's breathing was tight and rapid. "Dean?"

"Just me." He could see how badly Gabriel was trembling. "This was a bad one, huh?"

"Dean, where's Sam?"

A pause. "He went out."

Gabriel turned chalk-white.

"He's with Cas," Dean explained. "They're just getting a bite to eat."

Gabriel shook more violently. "Okay."

Dean moved over to the table and took a seat beside him. "Want me to make you a fresh cup of coffee?"

Gabriel's eyes fell on the half-empty mug. "How long have I been asleep?"

"When'd you decide to pass out in here?"

Gabriel considered. "2:00? 2:30? I was planning on having lunch."

Dean glanced at the untouched granola. "And lunch was a Quaker bar."

Gabriel shrugged.

"You've been out for an hour and a half," Dean told him. "So how about that coffee?"

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