No More Louis

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"I'm sorry, mom, he cheated. It didn't work out." Harry said, putting some clothes in a new dresser he bought for his new apartment. "I'm sorry for ever putting that on you, Hon." Anne kissed her sons head.

"But now I'm mated, that a for life thing. I am Louis' omega. He owns me. But that gives me no reason to love him." Harry declared. Anne kissed her sons head and picked up a box, moving it to the side.

"I finally got my job back and my shift starts in 30 minutes. I'll be back in a few hours." Harry hugged his mom, before running down the stairs.

"Harry! So good to have you back!" Barbra smiled. Harry smiled and put his old apron on. "You kept my name tag?" Harry asked.

"We couldn't bring ourselves to throw it away." Molly hugged the curly lad. Harry got behind the counter and did what he was best at. Taking orders. "5.40 please." Harry smiled.

"That will be 3.50 please and than- Holy shit." Harry choked. "Sorry what?" The blonde man blinked. "Nothing, sorry, umm, I'm hot- Harry. I'm Harry." Harry blinked. "I'm Luke." The man smiled at the omega.

This might have been the hottest alpha Harry had ever seen. "I've never seen you around the pack." Harry blinked. "I'm not from this pack." Like laughed. "What pack then?" Harry asked.

"Hemmings. The Hemmings pack." Luke put the money in the boys hand. "Nice to meet you, Hottie. Or sorry, Harry." Luke winked. walking out of the bakery.

"Holy shit, Molly did you see that?" Harry whisper yelled. "Yes, but Harry, you just left Mr. Tomlinson." Molly said as Harry handed an old lady a bag. "Can we not talk about him?" Harry asked.

"Honey, what are you gonna do about your alpha mark?" Barbra asked. "Cover it up. Forever." Harry mumbled. Barbra hugged him and went back to work.

Harry's shift finally ended. He hung his apron up and grabbed his phone. "What the..." Harry mumbled. "How did he...?" Harry stated at the phone. A text message from an unlabelled phone number.

Unknown: Hey this is Luke, from the bakery
Harry: How did you get my phone number?
Luke: You gave it to me?

Did I? I was feeling a bit lightheaded. Maybe I forgot...

Harry: Oh, haha, right!
Luke: Lmao, dw. Wanna hangout soon?
Harry: Really?

I barely know him. And he's from a different pack. And I'm still mated.

Luke: Yea, why not, ur cute, i'm cute, let's be cute together
Harry: Haha, sure.
Luke: Great, how about tomorrow?
Harry: Tomorrow is great.

Harry smiled and laid down in his new bed.

Did I actually give him my number?

"Harry!" Someone shouted. "Hey, good to see you" The slightly taller lad with blonde hair pulled me into a hug. I am just trying to go for a walk.

Already hugging and I barely know who this guy is. "Hey, Luke was it?" I blinked. "Correct. So I was wondering if you wanted to grab lunch later..." He nervously rubbed his arm. He looked like a scared puppy, staring at the ground.

"As long as you're paying." I smiled. "Great! What's your address? I'll pick you up at 3:30!" Luke smiled. "Cool." I replied, continuing walking.

I decided to go out to a tattoo parlour. Maybe tattoos might distract from the hideous bite mark that Tomlinson lad left on me.

My phone buzzed in my pant pocket. I read the name. "Niall Horan ❤️" because fuck naming him Niall Payne. I picked up the phone and Niall began talking after a quick "Hi!" "You need to listen to me. Louis is sending people looking for you." "I really don't care." I responded with a laugh.

"You should. He is set on marrying you. He said one minor set back won't change the course of your lives together." "I'm not marrying him."

"I don't think you have much of a choice, Harry." Niall mumbled. "I'm coming over to your apartment." "Yeah, sure. I'm walking there now." Harry said before hanging the phone up.

Well this is great.

"I want this butterfly on my chest, these two doves on my chest, these leaves on my hips and I want a tattoo... That says "Hi!" on my arm." I spoke, sitting down for the man.

"That's a lot of tattoos in one day. Are you sure? It can be quite painful." The man, whose name read Micheal Clifford. "Yes please." I smiled. Micheal nodded, looking a bit nervous.


"Seriously Harry, Louis is going to marry you." Niall said, sitting on Harry's floor. Moving furniture is a process. "No he's not, I'm going out tonight with someone." Harry smirked, throwing his shirt off and grabbing a nicer looking one. "Who?!" Niall said with a shocked look. "Blondie named Luke." Harry smiled.

"Also you haven't said a thing about my tattoos." Harry rolled his eyes. "They look sick, Harry. Back to the topic at hand." Niall said, making Harry scoff.

"I don't know if I've heard that name." Niall blinked. "He's from a different pack. Hemmings." Harry chuckled. "Wait... Luke Hemmings? As in the guy who is mated to 6 omegas?" Niall blinked. "Sorry... How many omegas?! Is that even possible?" Harry turned around. "Believe it or not."

"He's calling." Harry whispered yelled. "Answer it!" Niall smirked. "Hey! Luke!" "Harry, hi. We still on for tonight?" Luke asked. "Umm.." Harry looked at Niall for guidance. "Go! I'll follow close behind." Niall whispers. "Yeah. We are on. Pick me up at 6?" Harry rolled his eyes.

"You'll be fine Harry!"

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