Aim. Fire.

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"Can we leave."

Niall and I escaped both our hellish lives to go to a club. It's been forever since we went out.

Forget since we went out, since we went out of our homes.

Isn't that sad?

Louis has been very sweet lately, but I know better now. okay I'm not stupid. He thinks I am. I'm actually quite smart, I catch onto things quickly.

Like Louis' bull shit attempts to get my trust back.

"You wanna leave already?" I asked him. "Yeah, wanna go to McDonalds or something?" He asked. I chuckled at my best friends constant hunger, and agreed.

"Harry?" Niall asks. "Yeah?" "Do you think you'll ever love Louis again?" He asks. I never really thought about that.

"I don't know." I shrugged, as we walked out of the loud building.

"Louis was over a few days ago." Niall glanced over at me. "Oh yeah?" I looked over at him. "He was talking about you to Liam." "Oh yeah? Saying what?"

"I don't know. I only heard so much before Liam sent me upstairs." Niall glanced over to me.

I simply nodded as I got in my car. I turned the key, Niall got into the passengers seat.

"I kinda want Wendys" I said as we pulled out of the parking lot. "Too bad." Niall shrugged. "You little fucker." I laughed.

"Oh shit."

"What?" I asked Niall, who was staring at his phone is shock.

He's not replying.

"What is it?" I ask again.


I pull over to the side of the dim lit road & take his phone from his hands & read. "Niall James Payne, get your ass home right now. Your other "alpha" might not wake up again." A text from Liam

"I'm sure he's not serious..." I mumbled.

"Are you kidding? He threw a wine bottle at my head, it just barley missed me! He's gonna hurt Zayn!" He shouted. "DRIVE!"

I pressed the gas, as Niall sobbed, in a panic.

God dammit, why must Liam always put Niall in these awful situations? & why does Niall always go back?

It's not love.

Niall doesn't know what that is. Niall hasn't felt love from a significant other yet.

Maybe Zayn will show him love.

Maybe I can get Louis to replace Niall's Binding Mark! Then Niall wouldn't have to go back!

We pulled into Liams driveway.


Niall ran up the steps, and fumbled his keys, trying to unlock the door.

He's shaking

He shoved the door open. Wide eyes, staring at the "love of his life" holding a gun.

A gun pointed at his new found romance.

Zayn's hands are up, he's clearly just as panicked as Niall. "Liam?" Niall says gently.

Liam glances in his direction. "Niall. Go upstairs. Now." Liam whispered.

"Liam... Can we talk? Put the gun down, & let's just talk." Niall spoke softly.

Niall sounds so calm. He's shaking, but he sounds calm. That was enough to get Liam to lower the gun.

Zayn sprinted at him, lunging to attempt to grab the gun. Liam turned towards him. Zayn shoved the gun out of his direction just as it went off.


My ears are ringing. My stomach hurts. What happened?

Why is Niall screaming. Liam is shouting. I can't make out what they're saying.

"HELP! CALL AN AMBULANCE! SOMEONE!" Niall screams out, running over to me. I feel like I am falling in slow motion, but I am already on the floor.

Zayn is hovering over me, saying "You're gonna be okay."


I hear Louis. He is shouting. "Harry! What the fuck did you do?! What happened?! Harry!" He shouts.

I am lifted off the ground, people are crowding me. A mask is put on my mouth & nose.

I inhale the air, that slowly puts me out.

"Daddy!" A little girl runs at me. I lift her off the ground & spin with her in my arms.

"Hi baby girl!" I smile. The little girl has brown hair, pulled into two pig tails at the side of her head. She's wearing a tiny pink dress with white flowers, & small black shoes.

"Daddy, can we go to the park?" She asks, holding on of my fingers in her tiny hands.

"Did you finish you lunch?" I ask. "Yes." she giggles. "Babe, did she finish her lunch?" I shout. "No, she ran outta her before I could put her sandwich on her plate." Louis walks in the room, holding a plate.

I look back at her, she has her hands over her mouth, clearly laughing. "Darcy Joe Anne Styles-Tomlinson, did you lie?" I ask her.

"Yes!" She smiles. "Lying is bad, honey." Louis says, taking her from me.

I can't believe I have a daughter!

Wait. I don't have a daughter...

I need to wake up!

Wake up!

A/N: I am sorry that took so long to write. I was trying to create a new concept to put in the story, & ended up having major writers block, & kinda gave up for a bit. But here we are!

Hope you liked that chapter. Another update to come very soon!


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