𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑁𝑒𝑤 𝐺𝑖𝑟𝑙

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Y/N Pov:
i yawned as i got up from my bed my mother was making pancakes cause it was 'your first day' you didnt mind your mother cause she would always be enthusiastic about everything going on in your life

"Goodmorning Sweetie!!" Your mother said overjoyed "goodmorning mom.." you said tiredly"i told you to stop overworking yourself,you never listen do you?" your mother said worriedly

"i'll be fine mom..im gonna go shower now.." you said as you walked away to go to the bathroom

time skip to your room:

"where are my rings?" you said as you hurriedly got dressed to find your 'rings' the rings you always wore was a gift from your deceased father

"where are my rings?" you said as you hurriedly got dressed to find your 'rings' the rings you always wore was a gift from your deceased father

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'there you are..' you thought..your rings were made from special material called 'germanium' you always wore your rings cause it made you feel closer with your dear father

"Honey!!Hurry Up You Have School!!" your mother yelled,,you snapped out of your thoughts as you hurriedly grabbed your bag

"Honey!!Hurry Up You Have School!!" your mother yelled,,you snapped out of your thoughts as you hurriedly grabbed your bag

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"what is it mom?" you asked your mother who was staring at you

"your so grown up now" your mother said while wiping her fake tears "mom stop it>:^"

"fine fine your just so grown up now i bet you'll get a boyfriend soon;)"

"mom stopppp im only 16"
"me and your father were already dating by then you know:))"
"fine eat your food im gonna go to work now!"

"bye mom-" "bye sweetie<3" she said as she runs out the door

"welp i have about 40 more minutes before school,,i should get there early so i can make a good impression.."

you said as you finished eating your pancakes

time skip to school:

'sh!t why are they all looking at me-' you said in your mind

'welp might aswell try to compose my posture' you said in your head again

"You must be our new student!would you like introduce yourself to the class?" the teacher said enthusiasticly

"not really but ok..hi my names y/n m/n l/n its nice to meet all of you..its getting awkward now haha.." i said as i rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly

"well y/n you may sit next to saiki"

a pink haired boy raised his hand 'thats saiki hm' you said in your head

Saiki K Pov:

'ugh another new student..why are they so excited do they even remember toritsuka..' saiki said in his head

"I HEARD IT WAS A GIRL!!" a random guy said

'i hope she isnt like teruhashi then' saiki said in his head again

time skip to class:

'huh!?i can't read her mind?is she another nendou?' saiki said in his head

"well y/n you may sit next to saiki" the teacher said saiki raised his hand
y/n sat down on the seat next to saiki

'i can actually see her..i mostly see peoples flesh and bones but i can see 'her' she is actually really pretty..'

saiki didnt notice he was staring at y/n for quite some time
which weirded out the girl

"uhm saiki?are you ok..?" she said softly which made saiki flinch cause he was not expecting her to speak to him

"Im fine,sorry for staring.." saiki said

"oh!its ok don't worry about it!" she said awkwardly
saiki hummed as a response

Y/n Pov:

i fidgeted with my fingers cause saiki was staring at me for a decent amount of time

*aggressive bell noises*
*sigh* 'its lunch time' you said in your head

"hey!!" you heard a loud voice behind you
"your the new girl right?"
You nod slowly

"h-hi do you wanna go get lunch with us?i-if you want to ofcourse!!" a stuttery voice said

"sure.." you said shyly
"GREAT LETS GO!!!" the loud guy said again

time skip to lunch:

You learned the boys names are 'nendou' and 'kaido' they are also saiki's friends

you were walking with them in the hallway when they stopped and said

"oh wow.." in unison you looked to see a girl

she was beautiful glowing even!

"hi you must be the new girl!my names kokomi teruhashi lets be friends!" teruhashi said sweetly

"sure!" you said

"I have to go,see you new girl!" teruhashi says as she walks away from the trio

"she's pretty.." you said smilling

𝐅𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏 | 𝗄𝗎𝗌𝗎𝗈 𝗌𝖺𝗂𝗄𝗂Where stories live. Discover now