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"Instead of wasting this energy on hate and resentment, why don't you try loving others and be patient and gentle." he reasoned . His voice was extremely gentle and soft , eyes holding infinite unshed tears on seeing the one he loves in so much pain and agony and suffering.

Albeit, she had lost the capacity to love, to understand, to be gentle with others very long ago as she sat still like a lady , her clothes, fancy and custom made , the makeup so gaudy and flashy, her eyes set on the green flora with blends of red and blue, green and orange and many infinite others but not a flicker of light in those dull hazel orbs.

  She looked refined and very decorous.

This was all, she had wanted; not to feel a single emotion, look like a lady and be cruel and selfish.

Ahaan, on not getting a response from her , sighed. But then he tried again, not wanting to loose to that bitterness and facade of hers.

He slid his left hand towards hers, resting on the table  and placed it above hers soothingly. Then, he looked at her for any type resistance or a reaction, but got none. She was lost somewhere, maybe in the colorfulness of the yard outside or maybe in her own darkness. The possibilities were contrary like morning and night.

"Alayna love, I am talking to you. Love you don't need to be resilient to your emotions instead you must understand them. They are not your weakness. It all depends on you. How you deal with them! " He explained . His voice was more softer than before, if it could be while he looked at her expectantly.

And, she again gave no response, so on cue he gave her hand a  squeeze , not very light and not very hard.  But to this her reaction came , very surprisingly for him, like the lightning in a thunderbolt.

Alayna retreated her hands back, harshly and her eyes glaring and burning as she stood from her seat and then looked down at him disgustingly.

"How dare you touch me!"  she seethed.  To this, Ahaan also perched and stared ghastly at her.

"Nobody touches me without my permission. And you!" she pointed the index finger at him and then resumed.

"You disgusting piece of shit.  Never even try to do that again." She completed and then scoffed as she noticed anger in his posture. Ahaan did get angry a bit before on her unethical words but then again back to astounded as he noticed how easily her mood changes. From calm to searing hot anger and then to disgust and now she was scoffing. 

"And about the shit you were saying now, don't think I didn't hear it cause I did. So now listen to me and listen well, I don't need to be soft and loved . I am strong and this all is for the weak ones like you, like this whole world.  Understood." she snapped her fingers arrogantly in his face making a sound of 'tuck-tuck'. 

"Never show me your face again." she ended and then bent down to take her purse and flicked a few notes on the table for the bill. And now she was gone. 

Gone. Gone like a wind.

"This bitterness! This bitterness and hatred will destroy you one day." Ahaan whispered to nobody but the air. 

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