Lotor X Pidge

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I'm going to say this right now I don't exactly ship this ship. When I started this fic, it was for a friend who really liked the ship. I can understand that it makes people uncomfortable but I have to finish what I started. 

Avni: Hi guys, I'm finally back!

Keith: Why the hell have you been gone for so long!

Lance: Babe she just got back and you welcome her by yelling at her?

Avni: Good to see you too Keith.

Pidge: Great to have you back.

Hunk: Yeah it's good to see you again.

Shiro: Yeah we missed having you around.

Matt: Yeah we really did.

Allura: Yeah we really missed you.

Avni: Aww thanks guys, I missed you too.

Lotor: What a lovely reunion but some of us have stuff to do so can we please know todays ship.

Avni: Just admit it, you missed me.

Lotor: I absolutely did not.

Avni: Yeah sureeee, Aaanyways today's ship is Lotor x Pidge!

Lotor x Pidge: WHAT!!

Avni: Yep! Now what's everyone's opinion on this ship.

Allura: It seems compatible.

Hunk: I agree with Allura.

Lance: I ship it, they would be good together.

Keith: Yeah I'm going to agree with Lance.

Matt: They would be great for each other.

Shiro: Yeah they would.

Avni: Lotor, Pidge.. what about you two. How do you feel about this ship.

Lotor: I.. ummm I ship it.

Avni: We'll Pidge what about you? Do you ship it.

Pidge: umm Yeah I ship it.

Avni: Well why don't you two tell each other about how you feel.

Lotor: Pidge, I have feelings for you.

Pidge: I like you too, Lotor.

Avni: That's settled, you two like each other and it's official.

Avni: So now that's done, I'll see y'all next chapter.

Everyone: BYE EVERYONE, We'll see you next time.


I know that was short and probably wasn't the best but I'm saving my energy and awesome writing for next chapter. I can't believe it's almost done but I guess that's how life is. Thanks for enjoying this fic and being here. See y'all next chapter and y'all are awesome!

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