•Halloween Treat• JJK

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“Jungkook, what are you doing…!?” You stood in front of the bathroom door, having intended on taking a shower but the sight before you made you pause in your tracks, your mouth dropping open in surprise. 

“What does it look like babygirl?” Jungkook’s gaze was focused on the mirror and the bathroom smelt distinctly like chemicals as your expression became even more puzzled. 

“Are you bleaching your hair!?” 

“Yeah for our costume.” Jungkook replied nonchalantly, still focused on making sure he had gotten the substance evenly through his hair. 

“Howl has black hair at the end of the movie too!” You cried out frantically, not wanting him to damage his hair- or possibly making it fall out, “Didn’t you say you’d never dye your hair!?” 

“Baby relax,” Jungkook finally let out a boyish grin as he turned to you, putting down the applicator brush he had been using, “I say shit all the time that I don’t mean. I’ll look hot with blonde hair and you’ll thank me for it. Now do me a favor and check the back for any spots I missed.” 

You crossed your arms as you looked at him for a long moment as he held the bowl out to you, you finally relented with a puff of your chest as you grabbed the bowl, “When did you even have the time to get this?” 

“When I went to the convenience store to get you those disgusting Halloween peeps.” Jungkook’s noise wrinkled, “What is it with you and western candy? It all tastes so weird.” 

“Those are limited edition peeps!” You cried out offended as you began to cover any spots he had missed, “And they are delicious!” 

“If you say so baby,” Jungkook’s nose wrinkled as he shook his head, “You know I never judge.” 

“Well I actually feel extremely judged right now.” You pouted as you set the bowl down. Jungkook covered his hair with the cap the set had come with as he chuckled, “You’ll survive and so will my hair. What’s the point in dressing up if you don’t go all out?” 

“Wigs exist! I have a wig for Sophie!” You stomped your foot as you crossed your arms, “You’re always so hard to beat at everything.”

“Ah, so the truth comes out.” Jungkook chuckled as he leaned down mockingly, “Not everything’s a contest baby. You shouldn’t be so competitive.” You only pouted once more at his words- the same ones you tell him every time you beat him at something. 

“How long do you have to keep it in your hair,” You finally asked as you sat yourself up on the sink counter. 

“I dunno,” Jungkook shrugged as he looked at the box with squinted eyes, “I just assumed until it starts to burn or something.” 

“Jungkook!” You snatched the box from him as you shook your head, “Seriously? The night before halloween? Couldn’t you have done this at a salon or something.” 

“Why go to a salon if I could do it at home?” 

You crumpled in defeat, Jungkook’s hair was getting longer these days and he had been talking about growing it out, and it was so thick and glossy these days since he switched to using your shampoo. You didn’t want anything to damage his hair…! Just the idea made you want to whine in disappointment.

“Baby it’s not the end of the world, relax.” Jungkook chuckled in amusement as he put his hands on either side of the sink, trapping you between his arms, though you couldn’t take him seriously with the cap on his head. 

He pecked your nose tenderly as he smiled, one dimple showing, “Besides, it was supposed to be a surprise and you ruined it.” 

“Oh yeah, it’s all my fault.” You laughed a little as you shook your head, “Just don’t...let your hair fall out.” You pouted, “I don’t know if I can openly be with you if your bald.” 

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