Chapter one: The Boy Who Hated Everything

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Mark ran from a group of people from the sidewalk as he was deep in thought. "why cant I leave this world behind?" Mark thought as he kept running. The group eventually started chasing him. He ran far until he saw a shop. He went inside it instantly to hide. He looked out to see them still running thinking he was runningbaway from them still. He sighed and looked around the shop. He saw many things but there was something weird. A box with frogs on it. It had one gem on it with a black sheen to it. He looked at it captivated by it. He eventually thought to get it so he paid. It was sold at the cheap price of two dollars and as mark bought the strange box he swore he heard the words "True Hatred".

He walked away still captivated by the strange box. He walked home to see the group waiting for him outside the shop. They punched him and kicked him and stared at him before saying "What's this box? Your Diaper box?" As he grabbed it and threw it right on marks head. "I hate them" mark thought as they all left laughing. He walked home limping as his parents were worried once they saw him. He went upstairs and dropped the box on his room floor. He took some rest on his bed for the day. Then he heard another word before dozing off


He woke up in a bad mood and finally said what was on his mind the whole time "I HATE EVERYONE HERE! I WISH WE NEVER MOVED! I WISH I WAS SOMEWHERE ELSE! ID RATHER BE ONE THOUSAND WORLDS AWAY THAN BE IN THIS INFINITE SUFFERING!" Mark screeched as he kicked the box on the floor onto the wall and opened it. It emitted a dark smoke and a blinding purple glow from it. Mark covered his eyes as he felt weird. It felt as if he was feeling light grab him. He felt it pulling him to the box. "HELP!" Mark screamed as he clawed the floor to stop himself from being dragged.

"Damn It! What's Happening?!? Am I gonna die to a freaking box!?!?" Mark thought. Then he heard the voice again. "Let go and you will finally be free of this place" The voice said. Mark hearing this loosened his grip a little. Not because he was tired, but because a part of him wanted to let go. He thought about it. "What about my parents? What about my life?" Mark asked the voice. "Did your parents care about your decision not wanting to move here? Did you ever really had a life here?" The voice said. Mark finally stopped thinking about it and had a very light, unseeable for some, smirk on his face as he said "Then I'm up for it." and let go.

There was a weird feeling crossing through Mark and it felt powerful. He opened his eyes to see he wasn't in his room, but on a mountain top. He could see everything from there but not everything he knew. Instead of mosquitos they were behemoths of what they were and all birds were the size of towers. He looked around and saw the box that brought him here. He grabbed it to hold onto it. He looked exited. A new world to explore. All for him. He walked down from the cliff and saw some strange things. He saw signs saying "DO NOT GO UP HERE" and "DANGER" worrying him. He walked down and found nothing too dangerous. He eventually was all the way down and wandered. He looked around and found some things that were familiar to him. He found his guitar and pick along with a toy sword and phone. Items from his room

He grabbed them and walked out further. "Okay. I'm done. Take me home now" Mark said as he opened the box. It did nothing as a response. The black sheen from the single gem inside it had turned gray. He opened the box again and he saw nothing. He repeated this process thirteen more times and gave up. He can't go back home right now. "Damn it!" Mark said as he walked away from the scene and wandered. Eventually night came and Mark slept on the floor from him not having anything to sleep with. He was sleeping softly and got up the next day. He wandered further to search for food. He luckily found a small lake.

He saw a few fish and went to get them. He caught two of them and cooked them over a fire. He had enough food and was going to move again. He walked away from the lake until he heard a scream coming from the lake. He ran over there as fast as he could to see a person covered in cloth grabbed by a bird. Mark ran and pulled out his toy sword and threw it at the birds tooth, dropping in from the sky. It immediately flew away as it dropped the person. Mark checked them to see if their ok but sees their skin color is red and they were slimy. He pulled off the cloth from this "Person" and saw they weren't human. The person resembled a salamander. Mark was shocked but grabbed some water and woke them up by pouring it over them. Mark was punched when this happened.

"Ouch! Stop that" mark said as he got up but got punched harder onto the ground. "I JUST SAVED YOU! STOP THAT" Mark said as the salamander came to him and helped him up. "Sorry! My name is Jade. What's yours" the salamander said. "Mark" mark replied. They sat down and talked about their worlds. Jade was excited about marks world because of how futuristic it sounded. Mark was amazed by every word of this world, now known as amphibia to him.

"For saving me, I'll help you get stuff for finding you a way home and a few other items. You don't know everything about amphibia" Jade said as she went in a direction telling mark to follow. Mark pocketed the bird tooth and followed. While going in this direction, mark pulled out the box.

"Here's to hoping this works" Mark said as he opened the box but nothing happened.

"I'm gonna be here for a long while huh" mark thought


I have had to rewrite the same scene three times. IDK why Wattpad is acting up like this. If it does it again, I'll write this on the second chapter

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