Sweet Dreams

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"The sad truth is that the truth is sad

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"The sad truth is that the truth is sad."
~Lemony Snicket

Everyone was startled awake to the sound of screaming. The people who were currently at the mountain consisted of Kaldur, Conner and M'gann who ran towards the sound which happened to be Marinette's room. Panic was the only emotion Kaldur felt as he heard another heart wrenching scream come from her room. M'gann and Conner were not far behind the atlantean. What should have been no longer than a minute walk felt like it was taking eternity. She could be getting hurt. She could be in trouble. Someone could be torturing her. So many what if's...

The trio finally made it to Marinette's room, the door was locked so Conner had to use his super strength to pry it open. What Kaldur saw made him suck in a gasp. His eyes grew more worried but his face also softened slightly. But just because Marinette wasn't in any physical danger didn't mean the nightmare was over, not by a long shot.

Conner stood there not knowing what to do, a frown covered his face. He was concerned, extremely so. For the first time in a while Conner felt helpless as he could do nothing to ease his teammates' pain.
M'gann brought up a shaky hand to her lips trying to muffle her sobs. Small tears pooled in her eyes. She could feel her pain but her mind was still blocking her somehow, even when in an unconscious state.

Before them was a screaming and thrashing Marinette. Her blankets were kicked off her bed, and her pillows were scattered around her person. Her arms and legs moved from side to side, kicking in different directions, while her hands were clenched tightly to the bed's sheets. Her head was moving in different directions while her lips let out profanities and screams. The sight shook Kaldur to the core, he raced next to her, his hands hovering above her body contemplating on what to do. His eyes went from her sweaty figure to the others in the room. "Go back to bed, I will take care of Marinette." Kaldur;s voice was soft, trying to reassure them. They looked hesitant but they eventually made it out of the room. Kaldur's gaze returned back onto Marinette. "NO! Please! Please I didn't mean it! I'm sorry!" Her voice echoed throughout the room. He brought his hands around her arms to refrain her from moving and injuring herself, pinning her onto the bed. "Marinette, I need you to wake up." Kaldur pleaded with her, he felt something in his heart break at the sight of the girl, Marinette's lip quivered in fear. "Marinette, you need to wake up." Kaldur's voice grew slightly louder, trying to snap her out of her night terror. Her arms thrashed under his weight but she wasn't able to move, only struggling.

"Marinette you have to wa-" He never got to finish his sentence as he was thrown across the room and cornered into the wall with a sharp metal object against his throat, more than likely a knife. Marinette was now fully awake and heavily breathing with beads of sweat dripping down her face. Her eyes were unfocused but they seemed to be trying to figure out what had happened. The knife in her hand was dangerously close to drawing blood. Her bluebell eyes met his sage green ones. They seemed to skan his face, then go back to his eyes. He remained as still as possible, making sure not to scare her. Her eyes widened with shock before abruptly dropping the knife onto the marble floor. Her once steady hand began to shake violently, she took a few small steps back distancing herself from him. "Oh my god... Kaldur. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it. Are you okay Kal?" Her voice broke in places, but she sounded scared? He was overall surprised she was asking him if he were okay. "Marinette you have nothing to apologize for, I am fine, I am more concerned about you, are you okay?" He was slowly making his way towards her. She did not respond but merely remained silent as she stared at him. Her legs gave out from under her, forcing her down towards the ground. He quickly moved and catched her in his arms before she made contact with the ground. Her face was placed in the crook of his neck while his arms wrapped around her and his hands held her close. She did not seem to be crying but by the movement in her shoulders she was shaking. "Hey, hey, you're okay, it's going to be okay. I'm here and I will not let anything happen to you. You're going to be okay." He cooed. They remained like that for a number of minutes on the floor, before Kaldur noticed she stopped shaking and her breathing was more steady. He pulled back slightly to take a look at her and he found she was asleep. He gently picked her up bridal style in his arms and moved her back to the bed. He reached for the covers and pulled them over her unconscious form. He was taken back by how peaceful she looked, it was certainly a comparison to the terrified girl he saw mere minutes ago. But he was still worried about her as he sat in a chair not far from the bed watching over Marinette. The exhaustion seemed to hit him as well as black clouded his vision and fell asleep. Other's got angels, while she got the devil.

His eyes slowly opened, while his eyelids still felt heavy he knew he had to get up. He stood up from the couch and his eyes wandered to the bed seeing it empty. He left Marinette's bedroom and headed to the kitchen to see if anyone was there. What he saw startled him slightly. Marinette was dancing around the kitchen while singing and making blueberry pancakes. She lifted her hand up to her mouth pretending the spatula was a microphone and started belting out lyrics. A small smile spread across his lips at her antics. To go from a girl who had just been through a night terror to a girl with a smile spreading across her face while singing the lyrics to Does He Know?

"Your secret tattoo, the way you change moods. The songs you sing when you're all alone, he knows how you dance. In front of our friends, but baby, baby-" Her voice sounded angelic but her dance moves conjured that elegance as she made ridiculous motions with her hands. He was about to speak up when the comm system kicked in. "Team I have a mission. Report back to the main entrance." Batman's voice filled the mountain. That brought Marinette out of her zone and looked up. Her cheeks flushed a bright red as she saw Kaldur with a small smile graced across his lips. "You know that was quite the performance." Kaldur teased. Marinette gave a lazy smile, "Oh shut up and come on we have a mission Fishboy." She playfully hit his arm as they both walked to where Batman and the others were standing. "Alright team listen up-"

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