1. Gloved

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"Brett Yang."


"Oh don't play dumb with me Eddy, I've seen the way you've been looking at him."


"W, what?"

"Yeah, of course you know the guy, I knew it, Eddy."

Eddy pouted.

"So.. what if I do, Ray?"

"Just don't get your hopes up. He's a neat-freak-germaphobe."

Eddy furrowed his eyebrows.

"A what..?"

"Surely you've noticed the gloves?"

"Y, yeah..?"

Yeah I've noticed the gloves... of course I've noticed the gloves..!

"So he thinks everything around him is filthy, including people like you and me. What a f*cking insult."


"So I wouldn't bother with the guy."


Eddy didn't like his sleep interrupted. His voice was grumpy as he answered the phone. He didn't even check who was calling and he didn't even utter a word.

He didn't have to.


"...Ray? F*ck, what time is it..."

"Get your ass to the campus pub, now!!"

"Whaaat? It's.... oh my god, f*ck, it's past 1 AM!! Why are you calling me so late.."

"You'll thank me for it. Just get here already!"

"Oh man."

"You, your ass here in 10 minutes or you will regret it!!"

"Fine, whatever. I'll be there."

"I.. don't understand... Ray, how could this happen?"

"To be honest, I have no f*cking clue."

"Didn't you guys have to share a meal? I didn't think that was possible.."

"I wasn't observant enough. I don't stare at the guy like you do."

"Oh shut the f*ck up!!"

"Look, to be honest I was surprised to see him. Like all of us at the tutorial were invited but I didn't think he'd come, you know. So I was meant to call you to join us but I got busy talking with the ladies, y'know what it's like, or maybe you don't, whatever. Anyway, look, maybe you're right, maybe he didn't eat cos we were sharing the food ? That would explain why he got so drunk ? So I'll leave him in your very capable hands, alright? Now be a gentleman Eddy. Consent is everything. No means no and you gotta respect that."

Eddy scoffed.

"Oh get bent Ray! I'm not like that!!"

Eddy pulled Brett's arm over his shoulder and practically carried Brett, very drunk and practically unconscious back to his dorm on campus. Ray said he had already tried repeatedly to find out where Brett lived but apparently he was too drunk to give a coherent answer.

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