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"Why does your friend look like he's about to shit his pant?"

A string of laughter followed the comment and Punit looked up from his textbook to his classmates snickering. Punit wished he could be bold enough to scream at them to mind their own business and keep their nasty noses where they belonged.

Punit adjusted his glasses and shook his head as the group of boys laughed amongst themselves and walked ahead. He threw a worried glance at his friend and gulped.

Siddharth looked like he was about to...

Punit shook his head again.

Siddharth's grip on his phone was deadly. The color on his face wasn't good either. He looked like a packet of stress, worry and anxiety had all exploded on his face.

The way he paced in the hallway was also proof enough.

Siddharth could imagine his sister's every movement. EVERY. Her lips dipping down, her eyebrows dramatically raised and eyes looking like they hadn't seen a worse example of disappointment. The stance of her body, hand on one hip and the other on her forehead wondering what went wrong.

"Di," Siddharth tried but his head was in such a mess that he gave up.

"Where are you even headed, Siddharth? Just seventy-one in the first semester?!" Another disappointed sigh met him. "For god's sake, it's not even rocket science"

Siddharth shoved his other hand into his pocket and curled it into a fist.

"You said you wanted to do commerce and figure out things yourself. I allowed it and now you can't even score well in it? People are going to laugh at us, Siddharth"

Siddharth bit his lip again.

"I'm so disappointed in you right now. Mom keeps eating my brains out about how she worries about you. Dad seems to have given up on you."

Siddharth resisted the urge to roll his eyes at that.

Just disown me already, Siddharth would've said if he had more guts instead he hung his head low and stared at his shoes.

"I was planning to get you into JK shah classes next month so you at least study somewhere because you sure don't at college." His sister, Hemani said.

Siddharth's blood began pounding louder, "JK shah classes? For.. for CA?"

"Obviously Siddharth, it's not like a is worth much these days" Hemani stated as a matter of fact.

Siddharth cursed under his breath.

"What was that?" Hemani asked with suspicion.

"My next class is starting, di, I'll talk later" He said and said a quick goodbye before disconnecting the call.

Air seemed to have appeared back in his lungs as he placed his phone back in his pocket and turned to face his friend.

"You okay there, bro?" Punit asked. Siddharth was surprised to not find Punit looking at him instead of reading the textbook he so religiously carried around.

"Nothing I haven't gone through before," Siddharth tried to smile but it looked forced and unnatural. Trying to not let any mood dampen, Siddharth looped his arm around Punit and began walking towards their next class.

"Gee, Sid, you're gonna be a terrible actor," A voice came from behind the duo.

Like oil combusting in fire, Siddharth felt his anger flare. The hair on the back of his neck rose and his grip on Punit's shoulder tightened. Punit gulped helplessly.

Siddharth wasn't in the mood to get in a word battle with his school nemesis so he held up his middle finger in the air.

Anuj Mehta laughed in delight before stepping in line with Siddharth and shooting him a casual look.

"When will you learn, dear Sid?" Siddharth hated the name Anuj used for him.

Sid. Someone childish, indecisive and reckless. Siddharth ground his teeth together and held himself back.

"I'm not in the mood to see your fucking ugly face, Anuj. Get out of my way" Siddharth said as calmly as it was possible for him but Punit could tell he was irritated beyond measure.

"Oh, Sid, grow up. School ki baatei ko kab tak apne chote se dil mei leke baithega?" Anuj's friend chuckled at that.

"Jab tak tu saanp bana rahega tab tak," Siddharth said with a firm face and walked away with Punit under his arm.

Punit looked up at his friend as he adjusted his textbook so the stickers didn't fall off.

"Why do you let him bother you so much?" Punit asked shrugging Siddharth's hand off his shoulder.

"He's devil in disguise, Punit. That man fucked mine and Ronit's school life," Siddharth said while rubbing his hands on his face.

"Your best friend Ronit, right?"

"Yes," Siddharth answered. Punit wanted to ask more but he knew this wasn't the time. "Oh, shoot!"

Siddharth stopped in his tracks and clutched his head. "I was supposed to go help Ronit!" He quickly got out his phone and began going through the texts.

"Right now?" Punit asked. "But we've got two more classes"

"Yeah but I've got to go. His mother organizes these exhibitions and we were supposed to get the venue ready" Siddharth explained in a rush as he called Ronit on the phone.

When Ronit didn't pick up the call, Siddharth frowned.

"Hey, isn't that his sister?" Punit pointed to a group of girls heading for the staircase. They girls were chatting amongst themselves, sharing the latest gossip and giggling with unbated glee.

Siddharth squinted his eyes before nodding his head, "Yes, that's Ronit's sister. She's joined junior college here"

"Looks cute" Punit commented as his eyes followed that particular girl. Her wavy hair was glistening in the sunlight and the way she beamed at her friend, made her round face adorable to look at.

Siddharth's eyebrows drew together as he turned to face Punit.

"Dude," He said in a warning tone.

"What?" Punit shrugged. "I'm just saying. Don't tell me you've never noticed before"

Siddharth frowned. Had he noticed it before? He lifted his head up at the stairs to look at her again but immediately shook his head.

"Dude, she's my best friend's sister. There are some boundaries you just can't cross" He said.

"Professor is on his way," Punit announced as he caught the teacher walking towards them. "Are you coming?"

That exact second Siddharth's phone rang with Ronit's name on it. Siddharth pressed his lips in a thin line as he debated to pick up the call or attend the class.

"Bro, your attendance is already low!" Punit called out but Siddharth was already heading the other way.

"I know!" He shouted back as he began running away. But I've got to be there for my best friend

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