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When Keerti sat for dinner with her entire family, she tried so hard not to smile. 


Ronit watched her keenly and sipped his glass of water. 

"Does my selection elate you so much, dearest sister?" Ronit raised an eyebrow at her. 

Their father, Nahush, chewed his food and stopped when he noticed how fat a smile was on display on Keerti's face. 

"Of course, loveliest brother," Keerti mimicked and giggled. 

She was starting to love this. Not just the mimicking but the burst of giddiness in her stomach was unfathomable. It was as if she was on top of the world. Clouds and open skies with no limits, no boundaries.

"She was crying an hour ago!" Accused her mother with a frown on her face. "Saying how we are not going to let her go Pune"

"That's not up for discussion right now. Please, today's been a long day" Nahush shook his head and focused on the food on his plate. 

Beside him, his mother and Keerti's daadi winked at Keerti. 

Her grandmother was the biggest supporter she had. She always made sure Keerti's wishes didn't squash under all the decision making of her son. 

"Yeah, of course" Keerti murmured. The smile still plastered on her face. 

"Stop, it. " Ronit commented, poking her in the ribs. "You look weird"

Keerti threw her head back and laughed at him. Others on the dining table looked like she had broken a nut lose in her brain. 

"Bhai, you've got kulfis after an eternity! Of course I'm happy," Keerti said. "Look, daadi is also happy!"

Their grandmother grinned in return showing all her teeth. 

Someone cleared their throat. 

"I have another good news today," Shalini spoke. "I have decided to host another exhibition at the end of this month. 

Two groans resounded around the house and they were not subtle. 

"I have a fest in my college so don't even think of assigning me any duty," Ronit warned, shaking his head. 

"And I'm going to have to practise a lot on my sketching to have time for this," Keerti filled in immediately. 

Shalini could not believe it. Her own children were refusing to help in her work. 

"Beta, your mouth is open," Daadi nudged Shalini. 

She snapped her mouth shut and looked at her husband. 

"I hope you don't have any urgent meeting coming up that week," she said pointedly. 

Nahush's hand froze mid-air. He opened his mouth, "Actually, darling...."

But he didn't have to finish his sentence. Shalini could see where this went, all she could do was mumble an unbelievable under her breath. 

Keerti and Ronit exchanged a low five under the table and sealed their lips. 

Today has been a good one, Keerti thought as she retired for the day.


The next day as Keerti wrapped a familiar red scarf around her neck, she felt shivers run down her spine. It was a very close gift given by someone very dear to her.

"Oye, heroine," Keerti's grandmother whistled as she saw Keerti. "Anything special today?" She eyed Keerti carefully. 

"Yes, I'm happy after a long time," Keerti smiled at her reflection in the mirror. She had decided to put some kohl in her eyes and had ditched her usual earrings to have some dangly ones that made her feel cute. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2023 ⏰

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