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Siddharth groaned as he took a seat on the benches at the corner of the playground. He cursed loudly while massaging his shoulder, the pain was small but it was ever present, not decreasing with time. He looked back at the playground and saw Punit and the rest of boys enjoying the game. The sun was up in the sky and it was hot yet Siddharth felt like a dark cloud was lurking somewhere above him.

How will you survive CA classes?

Siddharth shook his head at another intruding thought and squinted at the pitch before him. He wished he could still play. The high breath and sweaty back would've helped tame his wild thoughts but only if....

Only if Siddharth would've paid more attention on the game, he wouldn't have wound up on the bench with an injured shoulder.

But how could he? His mind was a complete mess right now. Grinding between possibilities and duties, desires and expectations.

Once classes start, I won't even get time to come play sports with my friends.

He looked back at the playground, cursing yet again feeling his heart deflate.

But when his eyes fell on a disgusting creature, he recoiled back.

Anuj Mehta had joined the opponents and was stretching on the ground before his turn to bowl. He just wanted everyone to see the abs he had made by going to the gym regularly.

What a show off, Siddharth rolled his eyes.

As if on cue, Anuj turned in Siddharth's direction and when he caught his eye, Anuj smirked at him. Siddharth was fuming from inside. If he didn't feel this throbbing pain in his shoulder, he would've kicked his ass on the playground and won the match.

On the other hand, Anuj with a satisfactory smile began walking towards him. Siddharth felt his blood heating at that. He would probably come and comment on how he was acting like a pussy with a shoulder that didn't have any visible damage. Siddharth clenched his jaw and fisted the bottle in his hand tightly.

I don't need this right now, he thought to himself. So with a mind made up, he grabbed his backpack off the floor and began moving away from the bench and towards the college building.

What does he think of himself? That with his bulky body and four pack abs, he'll be able to intimidate me? Talking to him feels like a waste of breath!

One day he would just fight it out with him! The way a non-violent Jay had swung his fist at the dick Sushant in JTYJN. Siddharth tried to calm himself by picturing Genelia D'Souza, with that sweet innocent smile of an angel. The way her eye-

"I'm guessing you're a better player than this," A voice spoke ahead of him.

Siddharth looked up, interrupted from his train of thoughts. A girl around his age, stood in front of him. She was wearing a large size mickey mouse t-shirt that was knotted at the waist.

Her hair open and wisps of them flying behind her. One of her hand was stuffed in her pocket and the other held onto the strap of her shoulder bag. But her entire attention was on the boy in front of her.

The girl let her eyes trail the length of Siddharth's body. It felt like she was analyzing much more than what met the eye. When her gaze finally landed on his face, Siddharth self consciously swept a hand through his curls.

Of course he didn't want to have greasy hair while talking to a girl. Especially when the said girl looked like she was repelled his sweaty jersey.

Siddharth cleared his throat loudly not knowing what to respond.

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