Christmas Season

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The Christmas season is an awakening time to make your wishes come true. Well I'm not Santa Claus and I'm most certainly not God but I will do my best to make those unspeakable, broken, and brutally cruel wishes come true. I have this duty because no one took responsibility for my wish. And no, I didn't wish for the newest three story Barbie dream house. I wished death upon someone. I know I know that sounds bad but let me take you to a time of misery well at least for me anyways.

Eleven years earlier-

I couldn't take it anymore. After my mother died my father started drinking and doing drugs to the point of an addiction. He changed and he became aggressive. He would yell at me and hit me solely for being a constant reminder of my mother. I didn't recognize that man he was no longer the sweet loving father that would tuck me in at night, that would sing me to sleep and would be there for me every time with open arms when I was hurting he wasn't that man anymore. I couldn't accept it. I mean he was my best friend.

I didn't think it could get any worse... it did. He started touching me in ways I didn't want to be. I decided to confront him about it, a bad idea. It got worse and worse from there to the point where he would rape me every night at midnight. He black mailed me and I tried to run away. He just followed me and the consequences got worse. He didn't let me go out to work, meaning I couldn't earn money to eat. He didn't just do it to me he got girls from the street and raped them too he was a monster.

Christmas was around the corner and all the kids in my run down apartment complex were wishing for houses, cars, and money. I decided to make a wish so it comes true since they always did before. My wish had to be something spontaneous and to be honest I didn't want some fancy stuff I didn't want meaningless items I just wanted to get rid of the monster that lives in my two room dusty apartment I wanted to get rid of the man I used to once call father so I did it that was my wish I wanted my father away and not 20 or 40 years of prison I wanted him gone so he couldn't do that to me or to ANYONE for that matter anymore. I wanted him dead. So I wrote a letter. I put it on the mailbox and I waited until Christmas eve came around and I stayed up that night. But I guess it was any other night he did it to me again. Christmas was a disaster. Eventually he found the note and he was so mad he tried to kill me. But not when I ran and he chased me, pulled me by my leg and cut me all around my body and as he lifted the knife to finally end my life I grabbed it and pinned him against the wall looking straight into his eyes. He was scared. Now he knows what I felt like everyday living with him. I raise the hand which has the knife I'm holding and I swing it making direct contact with his skin. He was bleeding everywhere that was for raping me i stab him again that was for doing it to other girls I yelled as I continue that was for ruining my life and making me miserable I stop as I have the bloody knife directly above his heart and this is for trying to kill me i stab it and he finally dies. I drop the knife and I am relieved. Should I feel this way I don't think next I just start throwing everything around and before you call me a mental case i was making it seem as if we were robbed. I'm smart, duhhh.

After the police arrive they believed my story and i just got away with murder. They wanted to put me in foster care until I was eighteen which was only 5 months away. So I ran. I ran away till I was in an abandoned cottage in the middle of the woods where I grew up there. I trained and I don't even know what I Trained for but I did get stronger, faster, and smarter. I've had been thinking and I wanted a purpose in life considering I can't go back to the city. People probably think I've been kidnapped or dead which works in my favor because what I was meant to do meant I couldn't be recognized by ANYONE.

I think I reached enough sorrow for 5 years and I now have a dream, an impossible one but nonetheless a dream. Why didn't my Christmas wish come true i mean was it not important enough of course it was! Then I thought back to all the kids going through the same thing and I felt like since no one helped me I would help them. I mean what is a 23 year old woman going to do right cause we are weak and frail like that. I may seem cute and innocent but we could be talking about how cute bunnies are and the other second i would rip your throat out.

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