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y/n pov

We are now getting ready to go to the club. I cant believe she already turned 25 years old, I am still a baby. I maybe am younger but I know better how to deal with things.

"y/n are you ready" she shouted

"yeah I am coming" I shouted back

I took my keys and went to the living room where she was waiting for me.

"miss girl you look absolutely stunning" she said

"I always look perfect baby, look at you tho"

"oh my god today we are going to get so many fucking numbers"

"keep them for you hun, I really dont want anything from anyone" I exhaled

"come on y/n why are you always like that"

"because I can handle myself and life without the help of a man"

"uhhh anyway lets go, today is my day"she said and grabbed my hand

our fits:

our fits: My

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We went outside the house and called a taxi to come pick us up

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We went outside the house and called a taxi to come pick us up. After some minutes it arrived and we got in, we told the driver the address of the club and he started driving.

We arrived and paid the driver. we got in the club which was literally full of people, you hardly could breath in there. we found a corner to sit and went directly there, I saw it had a label with the reserve which means someone would sit there but I didnt care.

"y/n we cant sit here , someone owns it already lets go somewhere else"

"nope, we wont if he wants he can come and tell us"

She didnt respond to it and just sat down. I got us some drinks from the bar and we drank them. Ater some time...

"what are you doing in my seat" I heard a voice behind me so I turned around

"what do you think I am doing, stripping?" I joked, he was kind hot but come on boy are you joking

"do not play with me hoe"

"excuse me? who do you think you are" I said and got up my seat

"who do I think I am" he laughed

"anyway, get up Aisha, we are leaving, I dont want to waist my time here"

"no you dont have to, we will find another seats" the other guy said

"I didnt ask, I said it" I said and wanted to leave, but the guy we got "fight" hold my hand

"dont you think you are a bit arrogant" he whispered

"nah, I am just doing my shit" I said and pushed his hand

"I am really sorry about that " Aisha told them

"what the fuck Aisha, are going to complain now"

"its okay dont worry" the other guy said

I rolled my eyes and dragged her to another seat I found, thank god.

kylians pov ( yeah the guy is kylian)

How can someone, especially a girl act like that. she didnt even care about me, all girls care about me.i really dont know who the fuck she is but I will find soon enough

"do you know them" ney asked

"nope, I do not, do you"

"no I dont, the brunette one has a big mouth dont you think"

"yeah she does, she would be perfect for us" he said , he isn't wrong tho

"what do you mean"

"I mean she would be a perfect mafia girl, just look at her , she acting bossy and that's what we want"

"but she is a hoe"

"how can you know that bro, come on dont be stubborn"

"I will see what we can do with her"

We were now drinking our alcoholic drinks, I was looking at the brunette all the time, no of course I dont find her attractive, but I was just looking t her to see if she would fit with us. yep she will, she definitely will.

I drank my shots and then went to her table

"well, well, well look who is here , Mr dark huh"

" shut up you hoe and hear me"

"woah woah , if you dare call me once again hoe and we will not end good"

"hear me, this is my phone, when you see me going out of the building you will follow me"

"why should I do that"

"because I said so"

"my mother told me not to follow strangers" she joked, bro she really got my nerves

"dont play with me doll, just do what I told you, dont worry"

"uhh, anyway, I will but get the fuck out here now, I am trying to celebrate"

I didnt say anything and went back to ney. I sat down and drank my shots once again, all of them by once

"woah, relax bro whats going on, did she accept it"

"yeah , she did"

"okay good, relax now wit the drinks"

"whats your problem ney"

"nothing I am just warning you"

y/n pov

some hours past. I saw Mr dark getting out of the building with his friend so I dragged Aisha with me and followed them. we went to a car, we didnt get In

"so what the heck you want me" I said

"you think we are going to talk about this now"

"what do you mean Mr dark" I asked and then I saw him spraying something in me

"what the fuck did you do to her" Aisha asked

"the exact same thing I am going to do to you" he said and sprayed her as well.

Kylians pov

"so, what are we doing now" ney asked

"we are going to the mansion, just get them inside the car"

"kylian bro, this is not right"

"do I give a fuck what is right or not, this was your idea"

"I didnt tell you to spray them so that they faint"

"ney just get in the fucking car" I shouted and he got in

we got in the car and I started driving. I didnt care if she want to do the job or not, she will...

authors note

I think new chapter is going to be posted today

I really dont know if its good by so far, I am trying my best

ohh kylian today is going to germany, Leipzig for the game tomorrow

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