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y/n pov

we were in our way to the mansion, kylian was obviously angry, I should be the one and now he is.

"kylian what the heck, why are you acting like that" I said but he didnt respond " yeah right now you dont even answer"

"y/n I am just trying to keep you safe, you dont know how a mafia works" he said

"yeah okay, I dont but that's not the reason to kill a innocent guy"

"he was not innocent, he tried to take an advantage of you are you blind or not" he shouted, I didnt respond " now you are the one who doesn't respond to me"

"I dont have to say anything else kylian, I am sick of everything, I am sick of you" I said and turned around to the window so that he doesn't look at me

"you are really getting my nerves y/n after what I did, you are just telling me you are sick of me"

"what did you do kylian, huh? kill someone in front of me? tell me change my outfit? I am not your fucking toy, put this in your fucking mind" I said and tears started coming, fuck not now

"I am not using you as my toy, stop thinking like that"

"well then stop treating me like that" I yelled but he didnt respond

we didnt talk again since that talk in the car, we went in the mansion. we got in and I automatically went to my room, I dint want to do anything. I want my normal life again, nothing else.

I laid on my bed and curled in my sheets. I cried a lot, I dint stop exactly. Aisha texted me that she wont come back, she will go to Neymar's mansion, she is leaving her life. I am leaving hell.

I was still crying, when I heard a knock on my door, I was angry cause I know theres one man in the house in the house, kylian. I dint answer but he went inside without my permission, dick. oh my god I want Aisha now, I really need a hug, yeah I am a hugger...

"what do you want, and why are you entering without permission" I said while crying

"why are you crying now" he asked without any emotions or anything, such a dick

"I am not feeling well that's all, why do you care, this is not your problem"

"yes it is y/n, I kidnapped you, you stayed and I have to protect you" he said with an angry tone

"what do you want kylian, really I dont have the nerves"

kylians pov

I dont like seeing her crying, i really dont. I tried to keep myself not to feel something for her but i really cant. her smile, her body, her smell... when I first saw her I wanted her to be one of my whores, yeah I should agree to that. after I saw her attitude and all the details of her personality I understood that she is not like the others. I really showed her my shit side, I dont have feelings I never had, I cant show emotions even If I have.

"I just came here to see if you are okay" I said

"I am not, and its your fault kylian" she shouted

"look I dont have time to say things again" I said sharply

"of course you dont kylian, because you know you are wrong, but you wont accept it" she yelled

"I am right y/n" I said trying to keep myself calm, I dont want to do things she will regret

"kylian just leave, now" she yelled once again, okay now its the time I dont care

"not before that" I said and went closer her, I grabbed her from the chin and pulled her closer me

"what are you doing kylian"

"the thing I know you were waiting to as much as I did" I said and licked my lips

"kyli-"she didnt even continued the word when I cut her off by putting my lips on her. I saw her closing her eyes, I did it too. I really enjoyed the kiss, it was smooth, her lips are soft asf.

"kylian please" she got apart and breathed heavily but I kissed her again. we were kissing for a long damn time when she pulled back again" kylian, please leave" she said with a low voice, I nodded and didnt say anything. I left and closer her door

I really dont know how and why she makes me "soft", I didn't do that in my life, usually I fuck girls and then kill them.

y/n pov

kylian left the room. I really dont know what had just happened. kylian kissed me, the asshole, the mafia leader. I dont know what I feel, I didnt expect that ever to happen, and when he said " the thing I know you were waiting to as much as I did". I really dont know what to believe, I wont go further with it, okay kylian is a hot guy, really hot guy, but he isn't the person to deal with, like come on.

authors note

I will try update again today, because this wasn't big at all

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