the deal

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y/n pov

my head was hurting do freaking much, I had a painful headache and I felt a lot of dizzy. I couldn't remember what happened, the only thing I could remembered was when we left the club and approached the car of the two strangers we met...

I opened my eyes slowly, as much as I could. I was in a dark room, with all the curtains closed, there was no one inside except of me. I got up quickly and opened the door. There was standing a man with a suit out of the door

"sorry, where am I"

"I cant tell you anything. just go down the hall, they are waiting for you"

I didnt respond anything to what this man said and just did what he said. I went down the hall and I saw Aisha with the two guys from the club sitting on a pretty big couch, the all looked at me.

"what the fuck is going on here, explain" I shouted

"shh, y/n dont worry sit down and you will see" Aisha said

I sat next to her, cause not gonna lie I was scared, not of them but of the situation.

"so, explain , now" I said sharply and looked at the direction of the guy I had a "fight"

"first of all dont speak to me like that, just hear me out" he shouted and I rolled my eyes, he got up and lifted my chin up" dont you dare rolling your eyes to me"

"I am not afraid of you Mr dark, now go on, I dont have much time you know" I said and he went sat back to his sit

"so, as you can see, we brought you here"

"kidnapped" I corrected him and he rolled his eyes

"we are a mafia, the biggest in France and world. I saw that you have an attitude, something that impressed me. I want you to work with me" he said

"me? work with you? nice joke buddy"

"I didnt ask you, I just informed you, accept it or not you are going to do it"

"and why should I accept it"

"because I say so"

"what about my Aisha, I cant leave her like that" I said with an angry look

"dont worry, she will be with you, you will be staying here"

"excuse me? you are kidnapping me and telling me I have to work with you? you are paranoid"

"look, I dont care what you want. your things will be here in any minute, as I said you will be staying here"

"uhh anyway, when do I start"

"tomorrow morning, you will be trained"

"okay" I rolled my eyes and wanted to leave the living room

"where do you think you are going"

"to my room, now get your fucking hands of me" I said and started with a dead look

" dont be like that, or else you will be in trouble"

"I love it when I take risks" I winked at left

Aisha followed me of course cause she was more afraid. she maybe is older but I am the mother of our friendship. I went to my new room and laid down. I really dont know why the fuck I am supoosed to do this shit. Aisha laid next to me

"y/n I am so sorry"

"why are you sorry"

"because if we didnt go to the club we wont be now stuck in here"

"dont worry, its alright, I kind of enjoy it, you will see that" I winked at her

the next day kylians pov

I didnt sleep yesterday ,I never sleep actually. there no need to sleep when you are in a mafia. I really dont know if it is right that she would join us. she maybe is harsh that we need but she has a pretty big mouth that I cant control. she isn't scared of me, everyone is , even Ney.

today is the training day, I am going to train her, I really dont want to do this, but I guess I have to.

I went down the living room where I saw her already waiting for me, no one was ever that early awake.

"what are you doing here that early I asked"

"I would ask you the same, did you already forget we have training" she said with an annoying look. she really got my nerves

"no I didnt , I never forget things"i said with an angry voice

"woah, relax Mr dark" she laughed

"get up, we are leaving" I said harshly and she got up

We got in my car and started driving, all the way I was driving she was just looking at the window, not a sight at me. she is the first woman that does that, it kind of annoys me but I am not going to complain.

We arrived at the training building I had, we got in and I showed her around

"you are going to start with the knifes"i said an gave her the most difficult I had just to see her weak

"alright" she just said and started throwing them on the targets, she got 5/5, to be honest I was impressed, no one has ever done it with the first try except of me, even Ney.

"well , that was too easy for me , what about a gun" she said with a boring look

"I dont think you want to try it, its not for you" I said

"just give the gun already" she rolled her eyes

I did gave her the gun, I was sure she was going to fail. theres no chance she is going to shoot at the target. she shoot in 5 seconds, and guess what... ALL THE 5/5

"that's very impressive of you" I said

"I know, I didnt wait for you to tell me that"

"look y/n,(I heard her name from her friend), dont play fucking games with me, you will get in big trouble" I said and took her chin

"once again I am going to tell you that I love being in trouble"

"no you dont"


"kylian" I said

"listen, kylian, I am not that innocent girl you fuck, i am a pretty strong personality, now get your hands off me before I shoot"

"dont dare talking to me like that, If you weren't my worker, I would beat your ass till you couldn't walk"

"thank god then I am, I wouldn't want it" she winked and left

I really dont know what I am going to do with her, she is one fucking day in the mafia and I already hate her. Ney was right she will be good but her pretty big mouth never shuts.

I followed her and went to the car. of course there was a silence in the car which never broke from both sides.

authors note

guys I think I will be posting one part a day , I dont know, I think that's it for today cause kylian today has a match and I am going to watch it

hope you like it byee :)))))

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