+𝑪𝒂𝒖𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒊𝒏-𝒃𝒆𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒏+

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The door to the prince's chambers closed behind him and Minho cursed. He could only speculate what his brother was up to. One thing was sure; Changbin was in danger.

One, Hyunjin always got what he wanted. He was merciless and he despised human beings. Two, Hell wasn't exactly the best place for a human like Changbin. The climate in the demon realm was hotter than the hottest place on the earth. The air was much thicker and harsher; full of heavy metals. No human would survive there more than a day or two.

Minho bit hard on his bottom lip till he tasted blood in his mouth. He had to act carefully but quickly.

Suddenly, a bell jingle caught his attention. A small furry creature emerged from the shadows of the darkened room. It was a cat with three heads; two ginger ones and a gray one. Every 'cat' had different eye color.

"Sori!" Minho called out and the cats meowed back. They purred and nuzzled against his outstretched hand; the bell on their velvet burgundy collar jingled joyously. Minho scratched every head. The cats soon got bored with the affection and layed down on the big king-size bed in the middle of the grand bedroom.

The demon glanced at the purple sky through windows across him. It was late afternoon. The dusk was nearing. As much as he hated the thought, he hoped that Hyunjin's servants had found Changbin and he was already in the palace. The chance of him surviving even a minute after the sunset was non-existent.

He couldn't feel him though. His abilities weakened too much for him to be able to sense him without being fully bonded to him but a small, almost imperceptible, tingle in his body told him that Changbin was more or less safe and sound.

Minho sighed and laid on the soft sheets. Even though his strength decreased, he had enough energy to overcome his brother if he pulled any tricks but he couldn't risk doing anything that would put the human's life on the edge. He had to make sure Changbin was safe first.

Hearing hushed voices of the royal guards, Minho glanced in the direction of the door and frowned. He was a crown prince and everyone should obey him but somehow, the younger got the whole palace wrapped around his finger. The demon wondered what happened in those weeks when he was absent.

After an hour or two of staring at the ceiling, an idea popped up in the demon's head. He sat up abruptly and called for the cats who were grooming their fur.

"I need you to find someone for me, okay babies?"


Changbin's eyes fluttered open. The room was dark except for some candles that glinted with a warm subtle light. His head and lungs felt heavy. He scanned his surroundings and his breath hitched when he noticed a tall slim figure in front of a big mirror in the corner of the room.

The stranger had long jet-black hair with a few snow-white strands. A part of it was tied in a braid adorned with silver jewelry. He wore black leather high-waisted pants and a blood-red piece of clothing that reminded the human of a dress shirt but the material was a mixture of velvet and leather.

The stranger suddenly spoke startling the human.

"Are you awake already? God, humans are so weak. You passed out as soon as my pets found you," they mocked.

"Who are you?!" Changbin screamed trying to break free from the restraining shackles.

The stranger scoffed. "I don't feel like introducing myself to you. You know, it's rude to not know the name of your host."

"Host my ass," the human retorted. "I'm tied up. It's rude to treat your guest like that, don't you think, mister 'I don't feel like introducing myself to you'? Who the fuck are you and why am I here?"

The stranger turned around revealing his face to the boy. He crossed the room in graceful steps with a smirk of superiority.

Aww, the mutt is barking. So scary." He stopped in front of the bed and chuckled at the human. He tugged harshly on the shackles making Changbin lose his balance and caged the boy between the mattress and his body.

Changbin whimpered at the sudden force. He didn't know someone as fragile-looking as the man could be this strong.

"I wonder why," Hyunjin giggled. "At first, you weren't a part of my plan but it turns out my brother likes you quite a lot, so you are not entirely useless, after all," he continued. The demon leaned to his ear and blew a puff of hot air on it. "If you behave, I might let you live."

Changbin wriggled underneath him in vain attempts of fighting back.

Hyunjin clicked his tongue and grabbed the human by his hair. He made him look directly in his eyes and activated his abilities; his orbs turning an intoxicating shade of red wine.

"Nah-ha, bad dog. No biting or I'll have to punish you, understood?" he smiled sweetly before manhandling the already compliant human onto his back. "Let's see what's so good about a pest like you that made Minho fall for you. Open that pretty mouth for me."


Hi, hello! 💜

How are you all doing? It's getting colder, yeah? Don't forget to dress warmly and take good care of your health.

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Have a lovely day/night. 🔮

𝑨𝒄𝒄𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚, 𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒅 | 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐛𝐢𝐧Where stories live. Discover now