(O) Halloween Snack (Foxy - FNAF)

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(I know I haven't made a vore story for Halloween, so accept this to be a late vore story in the form of a request. I am really sorry for the very late post, I lost motive to write for a while. But, now it's done, please enjoy.)

Pred: Male Reader

Prey: Foxy Plush

Requester: Vanny_Child_Biteof87

Key: F/H/M = Favorite Horror Movie

The sun had set a few minutes ago. You knew exactly what tonight is. The decor outside your house, your neighbor's house, and the neighborhood and the costume you're wearing says it all. It's Halloween. You decided to dress up as a werewolf tonight. Being thirteen years of age, you were a bit to old to Trick or Treat, so instead you decided to give out candy tonight.

"Happy Halloween" you said to the kid who you just gave candy to. You closed the door and set the bowl of candy down. You then walk to the living room and sat down on the couch. You smile as you watch F/H/M. You have seen it so many times, the scary parts don't faze you anymore. Then you heard metal footsteps behind you and look up to find Foxy looking down at you.

"Happy Halloween laddie" he said smiling. "Happy Halloween Foxy" you smiled back at him. The doorbell rings, you get up and go answer. It was another kid in a clone trooper costume "trick or treat" he said. You gave him some candy "thank you!" "Happy Halloween" you told him. This went on until at 10:55pm, when you ran out of candy to give.

You put the bowl back into the kitchen. You then notice something on the counter. It's a note, you look at it to read it's words.

I'm going to be hiding Y/N, try and find me. If you win, you get a prize. You have until 12am to find me, lose then, you'll see. ~Foxy

It always baffles you how that pirate fox writes normally but, speaks with an accent. You know how Foxy hides, he does so in his Plush form. Then your stomach growl, you should get something to eat. But, you don't Foxy to be left hanging. Then an idea forms in your head, making you smile. An idea to play with Foxy and get fed at once. You just have to find him.

You look at a clock and it read 11pm, the game begins and you're determined to win. You start looking in obvious places and fail to find him. You then start to look in more decent spots around the house, still not finding him. Then with ten minutes to midnight, you look in the one place you were hoping he was at. Your hidden cove under your closet.

Once you checked it, you smirked as you found him in plush form looking up at you. "Arrr, you found me laddie" he said smiling. You picked him up before he could shift back. "What are you doing lad?" he asked. "Doing what a werewolf should do with his prey" you told and open your mouth. The maw of your wolf mask opened as well.

You then slip Foxy into the maw then into your mouth. "Laddie, what are you doing!?" he asked in alarm. You felt bad for making him panic like that but, you needed him in your gut, plus you feel like he would've eaten you if he won. You then swallow, pulling him down your throat. You swallow again to send him sliding down into your gut. It took a few more swallows but, he lands in your stomach.

You belch lightly because of this. You felt Foxy rub your insides, which felt very good. "You knew I was going to do this to you did you matey?" Foxy asked, his voice muffled by your stomach walls. "I had a feeling, but, I was hungry and I wanted to see if I could do it" you told him. "How long will I be in here?" he asked. You rub the small bulge in your belly.

"Can you last the night in there Foxy?" You asked "I can lad" he answered. You get out of costume and lay in bed "then have a goodnight, I'll let you back out in the morning" you said falling asleep from feeling full. Foxy sits in your gut and chuckles before falling asleep himself. Maybe your gut isn't a bad bed. After all he always slept on it.

(There you all have it. Again very sorry for the late post. I hope you all aren't too mad about it. See you all next time)

Up next: Borkis eats oc

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