Chapter Six - Before

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Insurrectionist Colony World: Venezia,
Orso System,
0100 Hours March 12th, 2517 (Military Calendar)

Nine Years Prior...

Anthony gently pressed himself against the exterior wall of a suburban home. He and his team had already dispensed with, or snuck past, the frequent patrols of Venezian Militia that stood watch over this gated community. They roughly had a fifteen minute window before the bodies were discovered. He was now amongst the homes of politicians, celebrities, and the rich. The generals and admirals had no business living amongst the common rabble that inhabited the planet's capital city.

"New Tyne..." Anthony thought, with no small amount of disgust. The only settlement on this frigid, lawless world, was a very inhospitable place for anyone that aligned themselves with the UNSC. As a young ONI Field Agent, that meant that Anthony was in hell. The ninth circle to be more accurate.

The entire planet of ten million had dedicated themselves to the Insurrectionist cause. Lately, the UNSC had been getting hit hard by these rebels, and it was time to put the imperial foot down.

Anthony's job was to be the boot.

He turned to his rear to see Devonte and Alissa, donning full winter gear, ready to infiltrate the two story home on his command. None of the lights were on, so the High Value Target was more than likely still in bed, unaware of his soon-to-be dire circumstances.

"Control..." Anthony could see his breath as he softly spoke into the microphone mounted on his helmet. Devonte had moved to crack the electronic lock as Alissa covered their rear. "This is Black One-Zero, entering through the front."

"Understood One-Zero, you have authorization to execute any personnel inside if they're perceived to be a threat." His handler replied.

"Copy." Anthony replied. Despite his calm and professional demeanor he was scared as hell. His anxiety gripped his throat, his heart pounded in his ears. His hand gently pressed against the front door, forcing the cold and frigid climate to give way to a warm, comforting living room that seemed to embrace him as he took his first step inside. Anthony immediately swiveled to the left and confirmed that there were no enemy combatants in sight. Devonte and Alissa did the same with the right and middle sections of the room respectively. They'd done this a hundred times.

"Front living room, clear..." Anthony breathed, slightly relieved. He hated killing people, but if someone didn't do something about this Insurrection soon, then more innocent lives were going to be taken. More families, just like the one he'd started with his wife. How many countless sons and daughters, mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, wouldn't come home as a result of the latest increases in hostilities between the two government factions?

"No..." Anthony thought. "The head of the snake has to be cut off here and now...or it never will."

"Kitchen clear." Alissa softly added. Without a word, the team separated and took to clearing their respective sectors of the home. They sedated the Insurrectionist Officer's kids in their downstairs bedrooms. Then, the team seamlessly regrouped in a single file line at the base of the home's marble staircase.

"Control..." Anthony calmly said. "First floor is secure, two non-military aged males forcibly subdued. Moving to the second floor."

"Understood." Came the crisp reply. Anthony gently pressed his left boot on the first step, then his right on the second. A leader leads from the front, especially during the most harrowing moments of the mission. Any number of things could've happened on that staircase, but they didn't, and Anthony soon found himself rounding the top. He continued down a long hallway. Devonte took the first door on the left, Alissa the first on the right.

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