Chapter Seven - I. E. D.

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UNSC Colony World: Harvest,
Epsilon Indi System,
0430 Hours March 2nd, 2526 (Military Calendar)
Historian's Note: The Office of Naval Intelligence had devised a plan to [REDACTED] in an attempt to give human society a fighting chance. [REDACTED]. While ONI Section Two claims that the Spartans were created solely to fight the Covenant hordes, their timeline does not match up with [REDACTED]. Furthermore, CINCONI denies any knowledge that a hostile extraterrestrial civilization was on humanity's doorstep.

Anthony stood across from two speechless marines in the ravaged streets of Utgard. Sarah had since donned her helmet once more, enclosing herself in the armor that gave her comfort, power and success.

Her second skin.

Brown couldn't discern whether or not it was to hide her emotions from the team, or if she was worried they'd be ambushed as a result of staying in the same spot for too long. However, he did know that she was at her best when she was fully armored.

"Now, I know that's a lot to take in-" Anthony began.

"Asshole!" Gray bellowed as he sprang forward with a right hook. He caught Anthony on the cheek before he could react. His left fist caught nothing but air as his opponent expertly dodged and, in one fluent motion, shoved him towards a still smoldering Covenant vehicle. Gray smashed into its charred surface and instinctively fell away. He narrowly dodged a crippling blow to the head.

"I did what was right for our species," Anthony grimaced as he held his aching hand by the wrist and quickly shook away the pain. Gray charged and was thrown to the street with ease. Anthony landed a right hook of his own. "People like me have to exist whether you like it or not."

He wiped his bleeding nose as he stood triumphantly over the young Marine. Gray kicked Anthony's legs out from under him when he least expected it and watched with satisfaction as the middle aged man smashed his head against the asphalt.

"Say whatever you want. At the end of the day you still kidnapped a little girl," Gray retorted. Anthony looked up at him, blood pouring out of his nose and a newfound hatred in his eyes. "Besides, you look like someone who'd love to snatch kids from their-" Anthony jumped on him before he could finish.

"Name's Devonte..." Devonte cautiously said as he and Alissa inched around the brawl and made their way towards Brown.

"Nice to meet you. Liam Brown." The Lieutenant  said as he extended his hand.

"Alissa." Came her response. They both nodded to each other in respect and shook. "So, do we wanna intervene or...?"

"I say we let them get it out of their system," Brown said as Gray smashed his forehead into Anthony's and used the barbaric opportunity to roll on top of him. "If one of them gets the upper hand for too long, I'll intervene."

"What's the matter old man?" Gray taunted. "Pull a muscle? Give yourself a hernia-" He gasped in indescribable pain as Anthony smashed a steel toe boot into his groin.

"The day I get beat by a bloke who hardly shaves is the day I'm damned proper." Anthony vehemently shot back. He grabbed Gray by the shirt collar, punched him in the nose and, after regaining a dominant position in the fight, held him up. "Didn't your mum ever teach you to respect your elders?"

"She also told me to stay away from creepy old men-" Gray began. Anthony threw him to the ground once more and started punching him over and over.

"I'm about sick and tired..." He said, out of breath and labored. "Of that bloody smart mouth. Since your old man...didn't teach you...a lesson, maybe I need to-" He was knocked out cold as Brown's right boot connected with the bottom of his chin. The blow sent Anthony sprawling backwards on the street.

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