12. Zayn cold but nobody believes him

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(Zayn's PoV)
I woke up with a terrible headache. When I looked at the clock it said something about 4 am. Sighing, I tried to sleep again. But instead my body wanted to cough my guts out. So that's what I did. Luckily we were in a hotel because we were staying in LA for a week and the boys couldn't hear me cough. It hurt very much as it was a dry cough and it scratched my throat every time. After the coughing fit I noticed my nose running. And I was sweating. Much. Great. I knew I was sick, and i usually don't get sick very often. The last time I was really sick was 2 years ago, when we were at X-Factor. Since then I haven't been sick once, the other boys were sick way more often. I thought it should be easy to get them to believe me as I never faked something and i didn't get sick very often. Well, i was wrong.

I somehow managed to sleep for an hour only to be woken up by Liam throwing my blanket away. I grunted and mumbled: "don't wanna get up, feel siiiiiiiick"
"Zayn. Come on mate. I know you're faking. You haven't been sick in ages and you don't look any different to me right now. Now come on, get up, we have an interview we have to get to in 20 minutes.", Liam replied.
I was shocked and just stared at him in disbelief. How- just how couldn't he believe I was sick? Well if he decided to ignore my illness then I decided to do so too. I was sure I would not last the whole day without something bad happening but I couldn't care less, if Liam ignores it I will too. Being as weak as I was I tried one more time when Louis walked in. "Louis, don't feel good", I groaned. "Cut the crap Zayn, we know you're not sick", Liam replied before Louis could. "You know, we only have a few interviews and then a book signing. I'm sure you just wanna skip that, i would too. But you're obviously not sick so just get up", Louis answered. He was under stress, as we all were, so in the end I couldn't really blame him, nor Liam, but still, they could've believed me.
So I just got up to get ready for the first interview. When I looked in the mirror I noticed that i almost looked the same as every morning. Slight circles under my eyes and messy hair. But I definitely wasn't feeling the same. Miserably, i brushed my teeth, washed my face and the sudden urge to cough came again. The other boys didn't hear me because of whatever but I was coughing for 2 minutes non-stop for sure. It was good we didn't have a concert that night. Blowing my nose Ieft the bathroom and decided to just act happy like nothing's wrong. They wouldn't believe me anyway.

When we drove to the first interview I tried my best to not have a coughing fit. I succeeded and i could save myself to the bathroom of the studio we had a interview at. Another coughing fit. It hurt so badly to cough. In the interview everything was surprisingly good, i didn't have to cough much. But that was mostly the adrenaline, i think. Because, after the interview, i ran to the bathroom again and coughed up blood. By now I was crying because I was hurting all over and i saw blood in the sinks in front of me. "Zayn? We're leaving mate" "Just a second", i shouted back. I quickly splashed water over my face to wash the tears away. After one last look in the mirror I stepped out of the bathroom. Niall was waiting.
"You okay?", He asked.
"Yup, why?"
"You just don't act like usual. I dunno."
"Nope, I'm fine"
"We're gonna go to another interview now", Niall sighed.
"They all ask the same questions right?", he added.
"But it's also fun because I get to say different things every time to confuse the fans", he chuckled. "Let's go", he said and we walked together to our car that would bring us all to the next interview. The other lads were already sitting in it. "Finally. What were you doing anyway?", Louis sighed.
"I was on the toilet", i simply said.
"Took you long enough", Liam stated.
"Oi, you two, stop roasting Zayn. He just isn't feeling it today, isn't that obvious?", Niall said. "You do look a little pale to me ", Harry added.
In silence we drove to our next interview. Then we arrived and everyone got out. We had to walk quite a bit to the building where the interview would be held. I knew I wasn't able to walk that distance. I felt my fever rise per second and my throat needed some 'relief' again soon. But instead of walking my body just stopped and black spots appeared in the corner of my eyes. I think Niall noticed because he asked me if I was okay and i just shook my head. That, that was the biggest mistake I have ever made in my life. I was already dizzy before and shaking my head just made it worse and i couldn't see straight anymore. Holding Nialls arm for dear life I slowly felt myself lose consciousness. When I closed my eyes I fell backwards, Nialls hands catching me. Then I remember nothing until I woke up in the hospital.

"What", was my first word.
"You're awake!", Niall said happily.
"What happened"
"You fainted on me mate"
"Oh. Right."
"The doctors said that you have a bad cold and you should rest for a week or more. They're just keeping you in until the IV empties. That's probably gonna be soon"
"Oh. Okay"
"We've also got 2 weeks off, starting now"
"Great", I started to fall asleep again.
"Hey, no stay awake, your IV is done in a minutes and i don't wanna wake you up multiple times"
"Hm", i groaned but still kept my eyes open. My eyelids felt super heavy and i was close to drifting away without even knowing it.

Soon Niall got me into the car and i was allowed to sleep.

"Hey mate"
" We're back at the hotel"
"Hm. Okay", i opened my eyes and shifted in the seat. Unbuckling my seatbelt I got up. Niall helped me into my room and i immediately fell asleep as soon as the pillow touched my face.


Should I make a part two of this story⤴️?

Poor Zayn, with the whole situation going on right now... I wouldn't believe that Zayn hit someone
He went through so much and now this i just hope he's doing well

Have a good ... Wherever you are

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