13. Niall food poisoning

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The boys just finished their meet and greet. It was about 6 pm, so they decided to get something to eat. Of course, they went to a restaurant that Niall loved because Niall had been trying to convince them for a good hour. In the end the boys let Niall have his favor.
Paul brought them there and they got a private booth so they could eat without having to worry about fans interrupting all the time. When they arrived there, they were offered drinks and the menu card.

"What're you having Niall?", Louis asked sassily.
"I'll take some burger with those special fries. Apparently they're really good here. And I'll take the mini soup too.", Niall answered, still concentrated on his card.
"But this all sounds so delicious! Ohh, chicken with cheese ohh", Niall threw his head back.

"Have you decided yet?", someone knocked Niall out of his thoughts. The waitress was standing in front of them.
"Yeah, I'll just have the fries with the little portion of the chicken nuggets. Simple", Harry answered.
Liam took the chicken with cheese.
"I'll take the burger with the fries and a mini soup", Niall said.
"I'll have the same", Louis smiled.

Soon the meals were ready.
"Good appetite", everyone said to each other. Niall dug in but it tasted somewhat off to Niall. He shrugged and shook it off as Louis was eating the same and wasn't complaining. What he didn't know is that Louis thought exactly the same. Niall started to eat his soup and it really tasted well. Louis obviously didn't take a liking to the soup and Niall didn't take a liking to the burger. So they switched and Niall ended up eating all the fries and both cups of soup.
"I'm full mate", Louis chuckled. There was still half a burger left.
"I'm not", Niall laughed. "Why are your tummies to little"
Niall really was hungry, two soups were not really satisfying his growling stomach, so he just ate the other half of the burger.
"Okay, now I'm stuffed up too", Niall let out a burp.
All the boys laughed.
"Finally", Harry chuckled. "Hey, you alright?", He suddenly had a serious expression in his face.
"Nope, don feel guhd", the Irish accent slipping through more than usual. Sweat was now slowly dripping from Nialls forehead. Liam immediately stuck a hand to Nialls forehead. "You're not hot, but quite warm, if it is what I think it is, then the fever should be coming soon"
"Let's head to the bus", Louis suggested. The boys nodded in agreement and they practically ran out of the booth to not get caught by fans. The bus was already waiting around the corner and about 7 bodyguards were trying to make a way through for the boys. They hurried inside and Zayn quickly closed the door behind him. They all were panting but suddenly Niall leapt up and ran in the toilet. Retching sounds were filling the bus and everyone cringed at the sound. Zayn covered his ears and closed his eyes, as he was extremely prone to throwing up when he just heard or saw someone throw up. Liam went to Niall and rubbed his back. "You have a slight fever buddy", Liam smiled sadly, hating to see the always happy boy so broken. Tears were streaming down Nialls face. He let out a few loud sobs and between them you could make a small "it hurts" out.
"I know buddy. I know. I've had food poisoning once, it's quite fast and it hurts like hell. I think that's what you have"
"But Louis ate the same", Niall said confused.
"Not the soup"
"I'm sorry"
"It hurts LiLi", Niall began to sob again. Just then Harry peaked from behind the door and said:"well i heard your 'diagnosis' Liam so I though I should bring painkillers and some water. A bucket is ready at your bunk Ni", Harry answered Liam's confused face.
"Thanks", Liam replied.

-------theres not much to write after this, it's just taking care of Niall now------------

Niall was fine after a few days of rest. He promised to himself to never go to that restaurant. Never again...


It's been quite long since I've written the last chapter but I'm so busy with school and my hobby playing two instruments and it's really gotten to me. I haven't had much time in between but i guess at 1 am there's still time for an update right ;)


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