Part 5

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After school I went to the park like I do most days. I tried to stop my thoughts but it was already to late. Every time I sat wondering under the bridge by the water. Every time I tried to find out who my dad was. Every time came flooding into my head. He came back, but that doesn't change the fact that he wasn't here. At least I still have a family that cares about me. Things were mostly fine without him. He left us for no reason then used that to make money. Then when he came to see us he completely ignored Juleka. I mean he said he was going to be there, like an actual dad, but something just doesn't seem true.

I guess I'm glad he came back, but I love the way things were before. I kind of wish every thing could just go back to before that day. But so many good things have happened for other people including my sister, it would be selfish to want to undo all of that. I don't even know how I feel about my dad coming back, and I want everything to just go back to the way it was for my own comfort. I haven't even asked Juls what she thinks about it because I've been too busy thinking about myself.

Tears rolled down my face as I sat on a park bench trying to stop thinking. I don't want to stop thinking because family is important, but it looks like if I don't I'm going to get acumatized. I should ask my sister about how she feels about this. I know that she already has anxiety and the entire family situation probably made her feel worse than I do.



How are doing?-Luka

I'm just checking on you with everything going on-Luka

Juleka- I'm ok

Juleka- Rose is coming over later 

Juleka- We might end up talking about things

Ok, I'm glad your ok-Luka


I should still check on her in person, but at least she's ok and has some one to talk to.

I just hope we can all continue to be a happy family, this time with a dad. I decided to play some guitar in the park for a while. I'll probably spend most of the week end under the bridge, I want to work on making more instruments and the music there is calming.

Just as I began to play a song "Hello." Chat came over the back of the bench to sit with me. "Hi" I give a weak smile. There was a small silence. "You looked like you were feline a little lonely...Would you like to come with me to one of the roof tops?" He asked in his usual cheerfully way adding a cat pun as well. However, the melody I heard form him, while still having a happy strong beet, it had an undertone that was more sad.

"Yeah, that sounds nice." I answered returning the smile. I took his hand and we floated into the sky. Above the clouds for a second the sun reflected a coquelicot color onto the clouds. For a small second it was calm. We landed back on the same roof. We held hands for a moment longer before letting go.

He leaned against the railing staring into the distance of the city. His smile was light and a certain sadness seemed to be behind his eyes. I stood next to him as we looked at nothing. "It's nice to look at the view with someone." He smiled. The way the sun set over the building was beautiful as it sparkled on the Eiffel Tower. "Isn't this something you usually do with Ladybug?" I didn't want to interfere with their relationship. There was a small pause before he answered "Yeah, but it's nice with you. And she doesn't always show up." still looking over the city.

I stepped back and leaned on the other railing a little bit behind us. I begun to play a song that fit the peaceful calm mood. Something to make the little bit of sadness better. Still as I played some thoughts that I didn't want to think about came to mind. What if I end up hurting him? I already technically did when I got acumatized. Do I even deserve this?

"Your such a kind person." Cut through my thoughts. Chat stepped back and leaned next to me again. "Your music is cat-tastic, and your always trying to help people." He smiled, this time his emerald eyes shining with a lot less sadness. The melody within happier too.

"Thank you." I genuinely smile. It was nice being up here. I have to be careful not to accidentally hurt him.

"We should come here again sometime, your a nice friend to be around." He held out his hand, and I took it. "Your a great friend too." We went just over the buildings. Landing right near my house. "I'll see you soon." He smiled. "See you soon." I said before he left.

I should probably check on my sister in person now that I'm home. I walk to my and Juls' room. She and Rose were sitting on her bed. They both seemed happy, so that's good. "Hey Luka!" Rose said happily waving. "Hi Rose. Hi Juls" I waved. I grabbed my violin and went to the deck of the ship.

I'm glad she's with her girlfriend. She's usually happier when they're together. She seems to be doing fine. They usually like to be alone together and she's happy right now, so I should probably bring up the family thing later. 

I played my violin for a while outside. The slight breeze was calming, and the visible stars were pretty. Something felt wrong. Things were good today. My family is fully together, Mari talked to me again, and I spent time with Chat Noir. Nothing bad happened. Still though, there was a sinking feeling in my gut, a feeling like something bad was going to happen. Even though I'm so happy for everything it feels wrong. As I played the stringed instrument the sinking feeling in my chest got worse. Until it was late and I decided to go to bed.

(word count 1044)

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