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[NAME] smiled triumphantly as they watched a clear liquid seep its way through a tube

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[NAME] smiled triumphantly as they watched a clear liquid seep its way through a tube. It traveled the length of the plastic pipe, and pooled into a test tube filled with other assortments of liquids.

She had done it! She had finally made a serum to deduce the pain any of the 'experiments' would feel during transformations.

[NAME] was practically glowing with their success. This had taken quite a while to make. She had to hide it from anyone else, because may god have mercy on her soul if Dream found out what they had been attempting to do. The man would have a full on temper tantrum if he knew that they were helping the poor souls stuck in this facility.

[NAME] ran a tired hand through her hair, immediately starting to clean up their dirty workspace. Just because she had succeeded now doesn't mean that she got to put it on display. Like I said, if someone saw this then Dream would know right away. Everyone was too scared to hide anything from him, even if that meant ratting out a fellow coworker.

Especially if it meant ratting out a fellow coworker.

As soon as [NAME] had slipped the skinny test tube full of the life changing liquid into her lab coat pocket, the intercom in her particular room blared.

"[NAME] [LAST NAME] Dream requires your presence in his work office." It yelled at her demandingly. [NAME] resisted the urge to flip off the speaker, knowing full well that it would do nothing to help her situation.

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