8| 𝙬𝙝𝙤 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪?

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WELCOME TO _[who are you?]_

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WELCOME TO _[who are you?]_







Technoblade stood stiff as a board, he honestly didn't expect someone to be knocking on Nikki's door and he knew that they noticed his appearance. He mentally fought off the voice in his head telling him to knock them out and coughed, making the person standing in front of him jump a bit.

"Sorry- sorry. Uhm..." They stopped, probably thinking of what to say. Though Technoblade didn't blame them, he didn't look...normal per say.

She looks familiar

Hey! Don't assume gender you sick fuck!

Yeah! Ask their pronouns

Techno resisted the urge to slam his head through the nearest drywall. Only one morning with these voices and already they had gotten on his last nerve.

So all he did was watch with piercing ruby red eyes as the smaller person in front of them tripped over their words and fumbled with their calloused fingers.

"I'm, uh." [NAME] stuttered. She hadn't gotten this far in what they were supposed to do. "I- uhm-" They stuttered out again, what would be a way to gain this dude's trust...They honestly didn't know. Then, it popped into their mind.

"They still have Phil." [NAME] spoke out suddenly, with a slightly stronger voice than before. A shaky gaze on the man, hoping he didn't do anything rash.

It took Techno a second.

Finally, his eyes widened. His grip on the door handle that was still open tightened.

[NAME] feared the worst. They had just met presumably the strongest person to ever be created in that god forsaken lab, and her first sentence to him was about a dear friend in trouble?

They winced slightly, expecting some form of a negative reaction. But no.

Techno held a shaky breath, the voices in his head yelling so loud he could practically hear his eardrums burst. He composed himself, well, at least his outer appearance. "How...do you know about that?" He mumbled out, loud enough for [NAME] to hear him, and so he could actually hear himself over the uproar in his mind.

[NAME] thought for a moment, it wouldn't be wise to tell him that they were a lab worker, he'd probably kill them on the spot. They searched their mind for a reasonable excuse. "I...

"I also escaped from the lab." They settled on using that as an excuse. It was believable enough if you take into account [NAME]'s severe hatred for Dream and the entire lab.

Techno's ear twitched and his face hardened with suspicion. They certainly didn't look like an escaped lab experiment to him. But then again, he was a pig hybrid, so who was Techno to judge?

"Come in." He eventually mumbled out, stepping to the side and closing the door once [NAME] entered the small home. [NAME] looked around and eventually settled down on the couch while Technoblade went away to what [NAME] thought to be the kitchen. The sound of someone walking down the carpeted stairs made the woman on the couch whip her head over to the stairs that were nestled neatly in the corner.

An old woman wobbled down the stairs, clutching onto the railing tightly. Once she had spotted [NAME] though she smiled. "We have company! How come I wasn't told? I would've prepared something for the lovely lady." Nikki flashed a big smile to [NAME], she steadily walked to the kitchen, where she knew Technoblade was in.

Techno looked to the doorway of the kitchen, shoulders stiffening at seeing Nikki. "Nikki- you scared me." He huffed out, turning around to finish the pancakes he made for himself. Nikki laughed, "Sorry dear, and how come you didn't tell me you had a friend over sooner! I would've made something for them." The old woman scolded, hitting the pink haired male's arm.

Techno grumbled, "I don't know them, they're... a family friend. Someone my dad used to know." He thought of an excuse quickly on his feet, he didn't want to tell Nikki about the lab, afraid of breaking the strong relationship he had built with her. The woman nodded, "I'd like to know them. If you need me I'll be chatting away with them." Nikki stated, wobbling out to the kitchen and back to the small living room. Before she left however, she sent a naughty wink in [NAME]'s direction, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.

[NAME] felt their face grow red.


END OF _[who are you?]_


mmmmm, me and WayToSarcastic are too swag, we are just so amazing-




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