chapitre (2) : first day of school

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idyllic was really excited to start the final year of high school she can't wait to go to college with her bestfriend linda in paris to study fashion design .

she woke up super early wore the new skirt that her mother sewed her with a beautiful white blouse

she had her breakfast really quickly and left the house after kissing both her parents on the cheeks

omg linda was gorgeous wearing that big fluffy blue dress

they were both really beautiful

As they entered to class late because of traffic everyone stars at them including mathew the cold hearted boy as they call him

The teacher asked them to sit down really quick so she keep introducing herself she's an english teacher young and beautiful calm and charming

miss anniston

she asked the students to describe someone they really like then exchange papers randomly and read what is written on that paper

idyllic liked the idea very much she's good at writing and she wanted to write about her mother so bad

Other students founded the idea boring so they started making noise

But miss anniston was strict everyone fell silent after a while and started writing

After exchanging randomly the papers the teachers started asking the students randomly to start reading

linda started and woah that was idyllic paper the one who wrote about her mother in such a poetic way

the teacher selected random people most of them described their crush

Its lucas turn why is he silent he's just staring at the paper t

miss anniston: "can you please start reading we dont have much time left"
"sorry miss" Lucas said , and then started reading:

"I really don't know from where to start a really beautiful soul yet a beautiful face she got demon's mind sometimes angelic she's messy but organized you can see joy through her eyes and sun light runnin in her veins ,unique and attractive elegant and charming you can see stars in her eyes other time a big blue ocean she...."

*bell rings*

miss anniston really wanted him to keep reading but there was chaos in the place and everyone got up except idyllic who wanted to know who wrote that

"why do you even care please lets go" said linda.

the teacher affirmed that all the letters are anonymous so it's impossible to know who wrote that

In the school yard

idyllic: "dont laugh but I feel like that person was describing me for some reasons"

Linda laughed out loud for idyllic confidence about such a thing

Then they both started eating when the bell rings again and they all went back to class

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