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Visiting day was always the worst.

“Aah! Tae, I’m trying to get ready!” Jungkook grumbled, wearing a nice blue button-up and jeans. His hair was neatly brushed down, everything about his look prim and proper. “I need to look straight, remember?”

Taehyung hummed, wrapping his arms around his waist and looking at him in the mirror. Taehyung, meanwhile, was in a casual black sweatshirt and grey sweatpants. He could not care less for visiting day. “You never look straight, baby.”

“I can try.” Jungkook scoffed and then turned around in his arms. “My dad’s going to be here and he’s going to be mean to me as usual so let me be!! I don’t want him to know how much of a disappointment of a son he is just yet,”

“Disappointment? Right… getting straight A’s and working your ass off every single day doing art? Has he seen anything you’ve painted? Does he know his own son? You’re far from a disappointment. You’re everything a father should or could want. You’re amazing and perfect and-”

“Okay, first of all, you’re making it sound like you want me to be your son,” Jungkook stated, and Taehyung’s face contorted uncomfortably. “And secondly, stop with the sappy kindness. I know you just want me to suck your dick.”

Taehyung smiled and nodded his head, cute. “Yeah I do.”

Jungkook poked his chest. “Maybe later. Don’t leave your room, okay? I don’t want my parents to see you. They think we’re boyfriends.”

“We ARE boyfriends.”

“I know! But stay in here. Finish your math homework. And- when was the last time you showered? Jeez,” Jungkook grumbled. Taehyung frowned.

“Hey! It’s not my fault you didn’t let me shower with you this morning. I’m expecting you to come back and shampoo my hair for me.” Taehyung grumbled, arms folded. Jungkook giggled.

“You’re such a baby,” Jungkook said, and Taehyung wrapped his arms around Jungkook’s small waist again, kissing his jaw. “I love you. I’ll come back later. If you don’t shower by the time I’m back I won’t suck your dick.”

“Taking a shower pronto.” Taehyung nodded. Jungkook blew him a small kiss and then walked out of the room, closing is behind him.

Visiting day was always funny. Everyone suddenly remembers what they were. Kids. Teenagers. It was the one day you won’t hear a single curse word in the hallways. No sex talk or gossip. Everyone pretends they’re the perfect child. Pretends all they do is study and make friends. No one mentions how they were probably going to third base in empty classrooms every day.

Jimin was in a neat pink shirt that he was determined to wear because his mom bought it for him. Eka was in a neat grey dress, hair braided. Jungkook scoffed. “Jeez are we all going to church or something?”

“I wish. My mom’s here and she’s just going to compare me to my older sister the whole time. Why do people need to become doctors?? Older siblings should NEVER succeed in life. They fuck everything up for their younger siblings.” Eka said, rolling her eyes.

“Tea. Being an only child sucks too. All the pressure’s on me to be perfect.” Jungkook said distastefully.

“Y'all families suck,” Jimin said. “My parents just want me to be happy and shit.”

Enemies with benefits - taekook Where stories live. Discover now