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The gardens of Malfoy Manor were normally a magical place to be. Narcissa Malfoy took great pride and care in the gardens, especially the roses that were her own contribution to the extensive grounds. It always reminded Hermione of the book The Secret Garden most days. Now though, on the longest day of the year, it was a sight to behold. A large willow tree stood in the middle of a dance floor that had been erected and yet covered with charmed moss for an aesthetically pleasing atmosphere. From the tree itself, white flowers hung from the branches and even with the array of colors illuminating the sky as the sun began to set, Hermione could see the fairy lights twinkling. On the outskirts of the dance floor were tables, all adorned with the most exquisite flower arrangements and vines that twisted and clung to the iron, giving it the illusion that they were in fact a product of the garden itself. Pansy had been correct; a party at Malfoy Manor was indeed a magical place.

As she looked around, Hermione could see a crowd of people all dressed in their best as they chattered away and drank their champagne. She spotted Narcissa and Lucius, near the entrance to the gardens. They were dressed impeccably of course, Lucius in his finest dress robes while Narcissa wore a cream colored gown with gold accents that appeared to look almost like vines. As the group of young adults approached, Narcissa's smile widened. "My, my look at you all."

"They clean up well don't they?" Pansy smiled, gently caressing her hand against Blaise's chest as they all came to a stop.

"Of course they do," Narcissa chuckled, resting a hand on her son's cheek. "I was referring to the two lovely ladies. Pansy, Hermione, you both look enchanting."

"Thank you Narcissa," Hermione replied, a gentle smile crossing her lips. "It looks wonderful out here. The gardens have always been beautiful but this..."

"Magical," Theo winked, causing Hermione to shove him playfully as she stepped away from him and Charlie.

"Thank you Hermione," Narcissa chuckled. "Now off you lot go, I expect you to enjoy your evening."

"I do believe I owe this witch a dance," Blaise said, smiling down at Pansy.

"Don't let us stop you," Theo snickered, watching as Pansy and Blaise walked off to the dance floor. Hermione made her way to a table in a corner as everyone made their rounds around the room.

"Well, well if it isn't our little Cinderella," Ginny walked up smiling, lightly holding onto her small, protruding baby bump. "I didn't see any pumpkins lying about."

"Has Harry been having you watch a few movies again?" Hermione laughed, hugging her gently.

"He says that now that we are having a baby, I have to know about all the fairytales. He seems to think that us Wizards didn't grow up reading our own versions of fairytales," Ginny scoffed but Harry looked unbothered as he kissed Hermione's cheek gently.

"I know that Ginny but I want our child to be well versed in all cultures," Harry chuckled and Hermione couldn't help but smile. Harry and Ginny's relationship had always been something that she had admired. While it had taken the two so long to get to where they were, they truly loved one another. She had always wondered if a love like that was out there for her.

"Here you go," a deep voice spoke gently, as he placed a fluke of champagne in her hand. Hermione couldn't suppress the shiver that ran down her spine at his close proximity.
"Malfoy," Harry spoke, giving a subtle nod of his head.

"Potter," Draco replied evenly, keeping his tone neutral. There were many things he wanted to say to his former rival but the party in his parent's gardens was not the place for that conversation.

"Boys," Ginny sighed, shaking her head. "Can't we all just get along? Hermione is living at the manor again, she and Lyra are still having dinner with us at least once a week. Let's all just let bygones be bygones."

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