Tagged 4

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Hi guys soooo I got tagged again, by @LucyGray19

Here we go.

Photo of you:

I think I gave enough in my reveal, thank you.

Most recent lie:

"Yep, I've got my jumper in my bag." (I'm Aussie, so when I mean jumper, it means sweater for Americans. Also, for context, it was a cold morning, and my Mum was asking where it was.)

Name of crush:

I don't have one. I am a proud single pringle.

Photo of crush:

.... Because I carry random photos of my crush around... sure... I don't have one.

You want to travel to...

ITALY!!!! Florence to be specific.

The last movie you saw...

Was Terminator 2. I'm not a real fan of gore, and that kind of stuff, it was just the best thing on tv.

If you could eat one thing forever...

Then it would definitely be pizza. So many different flavours, that are soooo delicious.

You can't live without...

Food. Books. Movies. Flowers. Probably humans, I would most likely be depressed if I was all alone the entire time.

Best joke you've ever made?

I'm not really that awesome at jokes. I'm tell people quotes, motivation speeches and witty comebacks.

What colour is your house?

It's white weatherboard, with a grey roof.

What does your room look like?

Messy, lol. I've got a desk, covered in weirdness, a bed (I know guys I've got a bed!), bedside table, a bookshelf crammed with books, a chest of draws with photos and random items on it, and my walls are pale green, with Teen Breathe posters on them, and pretty photos I cut up from last year's 'Around the World' calendar.

What I wore today:

My pj's first. Then my school uniform, and now a dress.

Post an old pic of you:

Hehe, that's me on the bus, when my friend braided my hair. (The dress I'm wearing is my school uniform, by the way).

Favourite show?

Umm probably A Series of Unfortunate Events or Clone Wars.

Tumblr crush?

Don't have one. I don't really look at famous humans, I look at like... fan art and head cannons and oneshots.

Favourite Movie?

Testament of Youth.

A phrase you won't forget?

"Earth without 'art', is just 'eh'."

Not that I'm an aspiring artist or anything (I'm pretty trash), but I enjoy art, photography, etc.

Your lucky number?


Name a person you hate:

Adolf Hitler. Why did you kill so many people?


That is all I'm going to tag, because it feels like a crime. I'm sorry for tagging humans, ok?

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