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Hi, welcome everyone, as I've said a few million times before, hope you enjoy and I'll get on with it right away.

Hi, welcome everyone, as I've said a few million times before, hope you enjoy and I'll get on with it right away

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Sexuality? Female, and I'm heterosexual or straight.

Astrology sign? Aquarius!

OTP? Aah I have heaps but mainly-

Quiglet, Kladora.

Hophie, Hestadil Tagatha.

Percabeth (!), Solangelo, Jiper, Frazel, Tratie, umm and all the rest of them, my brain is a bit fuzzy.

Romione, Hinny, Jily.

Anidala! Scoundress!

Lyra x Will.

Main obsession (fandom)?  Ehh probably HP, PJO, SW, and SGE.

Fave writing genre?  Short story, fantasy or romance.

Perfect Date spot? Hmm probably going to the beach and swimming and then getting an ice cream somewhere and just walking back and sitting on a bench under some trees watching the sea and just chatting, laughing, eating ice creams, enjoying life. Just something summery and calming.

Ideal best friend? Someone kind, funny and bookish whom I can laugh with, always talk to and chat about fandoms with. Someone who'll probably always remain imaginary, lol.

Current phone/tablet background? Me and my friends at Christmas time dancing in front of my friend's house that was covered in Christmas lights. And then me and my friends jumping in the pool with our uniforms on, on the last day of Primary School at an end of year party. Basically me and my friends, this is so long lol.

Whiteboards or chalkboards? ChAlKbOaRdS. I don't know what it is, I just find them so aesthetical.

OC ('s)? None.

Favourite book on Wattpad?  To be perfectly honest I have no idea. The two books by @veriforman are amazing! One is HP the other is ASOUE.

As are the ones by @itfangirl27, she makes amazing ASOUE stories.

@grace-lily-potter is a fantastic HP writer.

Youtube or Netflix? Probably YouTube because Netflix keeps deleting and re-adding stuff and it annoys me and I hardly use it. But tbh I prefer Disney Plus, lol.

I don't really get the Team Trio, Youtube thing question soz.

Favourite time of the year? I loooooooooooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeee Summer. I just love the vibes and going to the beach and ice cream. And I loooooooooooooooooooooooooove Spring too, it's so beautiful and sweet-smelling and flowery and it's like the Earth's yearly renaissance. I love them especially because I'm in Winter at the moment and I really don't like Winter, it's just so cold and annoying.

Tagging: I'm sorry for having to tag people!






Sorry for tagging you guys and hope that you don't mind!

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