SGE Ship it or Rip it.

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#1. Hestadil (Hester x Anadil).


I absolutely ship this one. It's the perfect bad girl romance, it's adorable, they get kinda soft on each other, but they're still both amazing female characters.

#2. Triko. (Tristan x Kiko).


Come on, it was so cute. The way Kiko fangirled over Tristan was sweet. And yes people think she's very whiny and still sad after Tristan's death, but she had the right to. While, Tristan's sexuality is questionable, and we don't know whether he's like wanting to be a girl, (and was for a while, so I guess trans) or whether he's like gender-fluid, and non-binary, or whether he's simply gay, I would've liked for Triko to happen anyway. Even if Tristan was a girl, or he didn't identify, I don't think Kiko would've cared and they could've been happy!

#3. Hot. (Hester x Dot, weird name, huh?)


I mean I kinda ship Hotadil, which is basically the entire coven in a relationship(Dot, Hester, Anadil). But then again, I think that it's more likely that Hestadil or Kido will happen.

So, no, I don't really ship Hot romantically, but platonically, absolutely. I prefer Hestadil.

#4. Kido (Kiko x Dot).


I do ship Triko, and I do ship it more, but I also feel like Kido could be cute. Kiko and Dot both have positive energy, but Dot has like a kind of secret dark side, and I feel like Kiko could do and they would giggle about it, and it could be cute.

#5. Rophie, Rhophie and Japhie (Rafal x Sophie, Rhian x Sophie, Japeth x Sophie)


So, starting with Rafal and Sophie.

I get all the evil-queen-and-king, dark pairing, would-destroy-the-world-for-you-my-love kinda themes, but it doesn't really make me love it. To me, Rafal is this possessive, overprotective, toxic kind of boyfriend, that yes, would destroy the world for Sophie, yes would make her his queen for ever and ever, but would also never let her out of hid tower, probably never let her speak to a man, and would just never let her grow. He would always be boss, and squash Sophie's sense of freedom. She'd feel trapped, and caught in a bad romanceeeeeee. Sorry.

And Rhophie. *tuts disapprovingly*. Rhian disappointed me extremely. At the start, I was disappointed because Rhian spoiled Hophie, and that- WAS - AWESOME- AHHH. But he seemed like such a sweet dude. He became Tedros' bestie, he treated Sophie with love and respect, they even went on double-dates together that were kinda cringe but pretty cute. But then we got possessive behaviour, evilness, not giving her choices, when his true feelings spilled out. Disappointing. And it became a toxic relationship.

Now, Japhie. Ok, I'm sorry for the fans of Japeth, you're absolutely free to like him, but I don't. I have no sympathy for him, none at all, and he absolutely deserved what he got. HE KILLED SO MANY PEOPLE. SO MANY. I'll keep it spoiler free, but so many characters that I loved died. It was horrible, and remorseless, and yes, I understand he was doing it for Aric, which I did feel bad for him for, but like WHY DID YOU HAVE TO KILL SO MANY PEOPLE?! Anyway, Sophie never liked Japeth. He never liked her. It didn't have any enemies to lovers feelings, as he was in love with Aric, and it had no evil-queen, darkness vibes which are sometimes ok.

#6. Hophie (Hort and Sophie).


From book one, I've been shipping them. It got cuter as Hort got older and more mature, as he wasn't a whiny boy anymore, which did annoy me from time to time. It was also great for Sophie, as he was willing to take her, just as she was, and not change her, which was exactly what she wanted. And eventually (SPOILERS!!) she realises that love isn't just fancy dresses, and handsome boys, and she can be happy with a kind person like Hort. It's a reminder that romance isn't always diamond sunbursts and roses.

#7. Tagatha (Tedros x Agatha)


Yeah, I don't really like Tagatha. NOT. Tagatha is the most amazing ship of SGE, closely followed by Hophie. It is amazing. I love it because it's different. Tedros doesn't get with beautiful Sophie, or popular Beatrix, but unique Agatha. And he learns to love her for who she is, as well as her beauty. She learns to not only see him as something that is so out of her league, or boring and royal, but as a boy who has flaws too, who is also insecure, it's so beautiful!

#8. Tophie (Tedros x Sophie).


In the first book, before I knew Tagatha would even happen, I thought Tophie was pretty cute. Sophie got with her guy, he protected and respected her, it was sweet. But in the end I hated it, because Sophie became such a self-obsessed, annoying person with her.

"Promise me you'll go to the ball with me!" "Yay!" "Oh, Teddy!"

She didn't even care that Agatha had given literally everything for her to be with him. She ditched her in three seconds. And then she comes crying back to Agatha, after mucking up her relationship with Tedros, because of her own selfishness, and just expects Agatha to help her. Hophie is so much more sweet and satisfying and as is Tagatha.

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