Chapter 1: Melatonin

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March 1, 2021

Ugh, it's been so long since I've written something down. I feel bad about it, even though I shouldn't because to be fair, this semester has gone to absolute shit, and I have no idea if it's gonna get any better. I'm behind on a bunch of assignments, my sleep-schedule is a mess, and I can't make time for anything that I actually want to do.

Hence, me writing this at 3:00 AM instead of being asleep like a normal human being.

Boscha's not in, I think she slept over at Amity's for a rugby thing? If she was here, she would've probably forced me to go to sleep, which is sweet, but also really annoying because I can take care of myself.

There's only one more week until spring break, so I just gotta-

Skara yawns, stretching her arms up and placing her pen on the desk. She folds her arms and rests her head on them, allowing her stiff shoulders to relax somewhat. Her eyes feel heavy and it's difficult keeping them open. But, she still wants to finish this entry before she sleeps.

Skara doesn't get a chance to. Her journal drops face open onto the floor, and she drifts off almost immediately.

--- --- ---

"Fuck, shit!"

Skara stirs awake, grumbling incoherently to herself and lifting her head slowly from her pillow to take in the scene before her. It's dark, but it's easy to make out her roommate. Boscha's standing in the middle of the room, hopping on one foot as she holds onto the toe of her other one. Her roommate is hissing obscenities under her breath.

"God damnit Skara," Boscha mutters, nudging the guitar case off to the side with her foot. "Why the hell do you have to always leave your instruments all over the damn place?"

Skara doesn't appreciate being woken up before her alarm, but seeing Boscha bumbling around the room makes it feel worth it at least. She closes her eyes and sinks back into the mattress. Just as she's about to doze off again, not even bothering to wonder how the hell she ended up in her bed, there's a loud knock at the front door. Skara cracks an eye open to see Boscha move quickly across the room, pulling the door open to reveal Amity standing on the other side.

"Ready to go?" Amity asks, shifting her duffle bag onto her shoulder.

"Yeah," Boscha replies, crossing her arms. "Ready to get your ass tackled to the ground?"

Amity scoffs, "Speak for yourself. I don't plan on letting Glandus anywhere near me."

"Whatever you say," Boscha quips, spinning around to grab her backpack and cleats.

Her eyes land on Skara for a moment, who quickly shuts her eyes to give off the impression she's still asleep. The sound of footsteps approaching makes the musician tense. Boscha as of late has been getting on her case about her rapidly deteriorating sleep schedule, and she doesn't want to worry her friend any more than she already is. This is a problem of her own making, she can deal with it herself.

"Hmm." Boscha hums as she leaned over Skara, watching carefully for any telltale signs her roommate is awake.

Skara feels her friend's breath ghost over her face, and struggles to maintain a neutral expression.

"Stryder, what the hell are you doing?" Amity calls from the doorway. "Just give her a goodbye kiss so we can go already."

Boscha jolts up, and Skara feels her face burn at the implication.

"We're not together," Boscha grumbles, striding back to the door—picking up her gear along the way.

"You could've fooled me," Amity deadpans. "Everyone thinks you're dating."

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