Lipstick Stains

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"Shaaaaayne!" Courtney yelled, flopping her body over the top of the couch Shayne was sitting on.

"Courtneeeeeeeeey," Shayne replied, equally as high pitched and goofy. Damien snickered from where he sat on a chair across the room, eating pretzels.

"Shayne let me do your makeup," Courtney said, now lying backwards over the couch, in a position that genuinely looked painful. "Pleaaaaaaaaaase." She finally slid down far enough to be laying on the couch, and she spun herself around to be sitting right side up.

"What? No!" Shayne laughed, pushing Courtney away when she got super close to him. "I still have a video to be part of today!"

"No you don't! I checked!" Courtney said confidently, poking Shayne's chin with a finger. "Pleaaaaaaaaaase," she groaned again, "I have lipstick that is the perfect shade for you."

Damien continued giggling into his hands as he watched his boyfriend get super flustered.

"Courtney why don't you do Saige's makeup or something? Why's it gotta be me?"

"Ohhh, no, I couldn't. Saige is already wearing makeup, plus it's way better than anything I could do to her- er, for her," Courtney replied. "Now please can I do your makeup? I swear I have makeup wipes this time and you can have as many as you want when I'm done."

"I... I uh-," Shayne spluttered, looking desperately to Damien for help.

"You know it'd just be faster to let her do it, Shayne. It's how it was for me," Damien said, chuckling quietly as he finished his bag of pretzels, reminiscing on the time Courtney did his makeup.

Shayne groaned, wiping his hands down his face.

"Okay, fine," Shayne conceded, sighing.

Courtney smiled with wide eyes, that look she does where anyone would wonder if her sanity was intact. She clapped her hands together, holding them in clasped in front of her giddily.

"Yes!" Courtney announced in a deep voice, hopping off the couch and out of the room to go grab her purse.

Once she left, Shayne looked up at Damien.

"Help meeeeee," he whined, letting his body flop downwards on the couch.

"This is all you, Shayne," Damien snorted, standing up just as Tommy entered the room to call him over for the gaming video. "Good luck!" Damien yelled out as he left, seeing Courtney enter with a maniacal look on her face.

Shayne could hear Damien laughing as he left, and turned to see Courtney holding her purse and a mirror.

"I promise you'll look good, I have your shade of foundation and everything!"

"How... how long have you planned this?"

She just smiled, and started pulling out various tubes and bottles of makeup. Shayne sighed again, not exactly looking forward to getting his makeup done. Again. How many times had he had makeup done on Smosh? A lot, and none of them were really good. And this time it wasn't even for a video.

Courtney grabbed his chin, moving his face towards her, and started applying foundation.


Damien left the gaming set after finishing filming and headed in search of Shayne. They had to get back to his apartment soon, the cats would start wondering if they'd been abandoned.

He finally found Shayne getting the finishing touches of his makeup done. It... didn't actually look bad. He had what looked like foundation, a rosy pink lipstick, mascara, some eyeliner and other little things.

Lipstick Stains (Shaymien)Where stories live. Discover now