Chapter 16

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Namjoon was working on his laptop when he felt two eyes on him.He had decided to take a leave but he had one last thing to do and his husband was hovering over him .

The tapping of foot was making him crazy..

"Jin,You can go ahead.It's my parents anniversary,you really think I won't come?"

He was still looking at the screen but he could feel Jin moving from his spot.

Then it was silent .

Huh.Looks like he left ,wait did he ?

Namjoon peeped to look out of the door and Jin was nowhere .

He huffed.He was about to be done with work anyway.

He finally shut his laptop and jumped off the bed towards their hall.Jin must not be far away.

And he stilled when he reached the entrance..

There was he ,standing with his sports car keys dangling in his hands .

"I knew if I disappear you will follow me .Now come on ,we are late.Dad is already there and Jungkook called too.I think Yoongi and Hoseok hyung left too. It's only us who is not there yet !"

Namjoon blinked.So he wasnt gone?
And why is he holding those keys...oh no.

Seokjin dragged him without letting him protest

"I thought you were gone"

"And break my promise to Eomma ? No.Now come on"

Namjoon was amused .Jin was always the one who was late now look how the tables have turned.

They got down by the lift and into the car.Namjoon was atleast relieved that Jin won't drive fast

As soon as they reached the Kim's , Seokjin abanadoned Namjoon to hang out with Jungkook .All that shit he gave Namjoon to stay close to him was gone.

Jungkook was in his suit.Quite a rare occurrence and he was near the booze counter.Not quite rare. No wonder Jin was drawn there too.

Namjoon went upstairs and disappeared in the hallways.

"Want beer ?"

"No and why are you drinking now ?"

Jungkook shrugged and gulped the drink.He has high tolerance anyway...

"What else can I do ? I was bored without you here"

Jungkook put the glass down and that's when Yoongi came in tow with Hoseok and approached them

"Yaa you brats.Are you starting the party without me ?"

He went to grab a glass too when Hoseok pulled him back.

"We are not here for this now are we? Jinnie where is your dad ? I don't see him"

That's when realization hit him.How did he not see Taehoon anywhere?

"Umm maybe he is upstairs? I saw Namjoon hyung going there too"
Jungkook sipped his beer and eyed the wine cellar.Mom won't mind right ?They are going to pop the champagne anyway.

"I will go see him and put that down.Look the guests are arriving "

Like Yoongi said ,the House was slowly filling with the guests and servants already got busy serving drinks when Taehoon finally came into view.

"Dad! " Seokjin shifted through the hall and soon he was holding Taehoon .His hands are cold...

"Where are you taking me and where is Changbin.Aish he told me to come early and now where is he?"

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