Chapter 23

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"Yaa..have you checked the tires? What about the engine ? Are you sure we won't get stranded ? What are the survival chances if this thing turns upside down? And how good is the air bag buses have airbags ?Why are we even going in this thing? Seokjin are you sure your license is valid ? "

Yoongi was asking questions back to back and everyone was either ignoring him or pleading him to shut up.

The Kim family was on a road trip.After Taehoons successful surgery and good recovery.The latter had complained about being trapped in the same place.Seokjin wasn't letting him go anywhere and Taehoon was sick of that.

It's been 2 months since the surgery and Taehoon was surprisingly doing fine.The threat is still there but they don't have to worry about it for now.

And after tremendous whining and pleading Seokjin finally let Taehoon breathe different air.

More like he had to.

Because his best friend had suddenly decided to get married out of nowhere but Jin was happy.He got his father back and his friend was ready to start a new chapter in his life.

The location was Gangwan do beach resort,a secret wedding taking place just between Taehyung and Jimin's close friends and relatives ,no media involved.Jimin will divorce Taehyung even before getting married if even a leak about their wedding goes out before he allows.

All the Kim's were invited but unfortunately not every one could attend the said wedding.But no worries Namjoon and his brothers along with Taehoon and Jin were going to be there and that was fine too.

Seokjin was elated and had happily helped in the preparations of the wedding along with taking care of his father who in his opinion was getting so much slack.

Because his husband had teamed up with his dad .

The idea of Road trip was surprisingly Jungkook's and the person on the driver seat was not so surprisingly Jin.

Jungkook had arranged a mini bus for all the 6 people which was definitely not necessary.They could have taken the SUV but no.

Jungkook wanted fun and Taehoon shouldn't be crowded either so here they were in a mini bus with Seokjin on the driver's seat despite Namjoon's protests while the latter was sitting in the passenger seat next to him.

"Yoongi hyung ,will you sit back and enjoy the ride now ? Hobi hyung calm your man now will ya ? "

Jungkook chided from his front seat while Taehoon was settled comfortably in the middle seat.

Hoseok and Yoongi were seated next to Taehoons and the last few seats were empty .Jungkook says it's for them to sleep in..they are expandable and Yoongi had called dibs on it but Hoseok had declared that he won't be the one taking advantage of that luxury.

Its for Taehoon but since Seokjin is the one driving ,he is afraid anyone can sleep without falling off the seats .He had heard about the latter's driving.He still don't understand why is Jin driving them then .

The said person was wearing the largest sunglasses one could ever find and bigger was the grin on his face as he knocked his fingers and screamed.

"Settle back,my fellow passengers.We are going on a road trip.Dad make sure you have seatbelt on and yes Yoongi hyung my license is valid and yes busses have airbags.What do you take us Kim's for ? And don't worry I will make sure your left profile doesn't get squished when I took a rash turn which I suppose I won't be taking but keeping you informed and apologizing in advance if your tufty head bumps anywhere"
And waved a peace out sign .

Taehoon and Jungkook couldn't hold their laughter at Jins epic monologue and Namjoon was gaping at Jin .

"I dont think you should drive.Get out here,let me drive.I dont understand why you guys didn't asked for a driver"

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