Chapter 4

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Seokjin was pacing .Fuck fuck fuck.He was biting his nails and panicking.There really wasn't any need to do that.And Seokjin had never been bothered about it before.But this time .Oh dear,this time he is so dead.

But it's not his fault .He is an actor and no matter how much he tries to keep his personal life hidden ...sometimes he just can't.And that's what had happened.

He had got up in the morning from the calls and texts that were blowing his Phone and upon finding the reason he was shocked.

There was a news.Not just any news.It was a dispatch article.His name was on it.And Namjoon's too.Oh My god.

They were somehow spotted together in the mall.They weren't even standing that close! He was careful when he entered the mall but when he entered the shop he had took out his mask .It was a little suffocating for him.

He had even put it back the minute he came out of the store but uh oh..that few seconds was where he was caught in a camera.

Namjoon was talking to him.Well he was just saying goodbye I have some work to do but who will tell that to the lurking eyes .

And the headline ? Oh what do these people want from him now.

'After attending the wrap up party of his latest drama "Lovers in daylight" Actor Kim Seokjin spotted in Paradise Mall with Business Tycoon Kim Namjoon.Are they dating?'

Now why would they say that.Cant a man just casually hang out with business man's?

Well no..but really it's not his fault and if Namjoon had seen the article he still hadn't called .Maybe he didn't saw.His phone rang

"Jin, You are in news "
Taehyung whispers into the phone

"I know but Namjoon doesn't know yet right.Oh god he told me not to make in any headlines and look I am back in the news and this time he is in that too.Will he be mad now ? He wanted to keep this secret Tae.Where are you now? I need mental support ! Get here.I am at Dad's"

"He knows ,if he reads business Daily he knows.Jin he is famous too and his headline is more detailed then yours!"

Seokjin shuffled around the news stand and took out the Business Daily page.He doesn't read that but his dad does who by the way thankfully is out now.

His eyes widened when he saw what was written.

'The Mono Empire's Ceo Kim Namjoon and Kim Seokjin spotted near a jewellery store .Sources say they might be in a relationship as they were seen getting out of a jewellery store'

Wow.Now he is dead.

No troubles Jin and here we go again.

"Tae what do I do ? "

'Call Namjoon .Maybe now is the time to announce your wedding,these things don't stay hidden Jin.You two might be seen more now in this week again'

"Okay if he picks up and doesn't lecture me I will tell him to just announce it.I will call the agency too or should I tell Aunt? She must have seen the article too.Why is no one calling me ?"

It's 10 am .Really why is no one calling him?

"That you have to call and see Jin .I have a photoshoot right now so I will be dropping now .But keep me posted and don't worry too much "

Seokjin breathed.No worries.It's not like they are dating ,they are getting married and people will know that soon so why not now.

He called Namjoon and he didn't picked the call.Oh God.Is he mad ? He dialed again and he still didn't picked up.Definitely mad.

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