small desires (picture very much unrelated)

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(and, omfg why do I have the feeling to shit while writing this new chapter like I just took a shit a while ago help fuck)

After hinata had a small mental breakdown on the balcony on the school. she soon decided she should head home since it was starting to get dark and she didn't want to worry her perents and her brother.

(note: hinatas mother was at home but, her father wasn't yet)

As hinata reached the apartment she was living in, she quickly opened the front door and removed her shoes then rushed to her room slamming the door as she went Inside her room.

Not even bothering to say a single word when she went home.

(note: since hinata's mother was unnamed, her name will just be known as hinata's mother

hinata's mother: "Naoto, what do you think that was all about?"

Naoto: "I don't know. but, I think it have something to do with takemichi"

hinata's mother: "hm? oh, takemichi? he's that guy hinata was dating right?"

noato: "yeah"

hinata's mother: "well, what about him?"

Naoto: "if I would recall, I remember seeing hinata getting ready to go outside. And, then I asked her where she was going. then she said takemichi wanted to tell her something"

hinata's mother: "oh dear, I don't think your father will be trusting that takemichi guy to be around hinata anymore if he hears this"

hinata's mother said, looking a bit worried for hinata.

(note: hinatas fathers name is Tachibana Masato)

(note: also another note, because I want to clear some small things out. Usually when your writing or, typing something and, then your ganna add a name to what you were saying. The name must always have the first letter of the name in a capital letter, no matter what. but since I am kinda lazy, sometimes you will see some names and some of the first letters in the names are capital and some aren't so I hope you don't mind that small problem)

masato: "So tell me what this "I won't be trusting that takemichi guy around hinata anymore" is about?"

hinata's mother: "OH! Masato dear it's just you.. you kinda shocked me there a bit back there.."

hinata's mother said with a somewhat relieved and not so relieved face at the same time

Masato: "so, tell what all of that was about?"

hinata's mother: ".."

hinata's mother not wanting to say anything because she didn't want her dear daughter to be more upset. knowing her father will be hearing about it.

Naoto: "I think I should be the one to do the explaining"

And so, naoto explained what happened between hinata and takemichi

naoto: "all tho, I don't know what takemichi said to her but, whatever takemichi said to her, it must've really hurt some part of her"

masato: "I see.."

naoto: "wait.. your not mad?"

Naoto said, expecting his father to have a more angrier and less calmer reaction

Masato: "of course not"

Masato said with a small smile

naotos thoughts: 'phew.. well, that's a relief at least'

Masato: "I'll just be needing to have a little talk with hinata."

Masato's small smile quickly faded away quickly after he just spoke.

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