It was April 25th 2018, when we found it. The 863 key. At first we didn't knowwhat to think of it. We were just some dumb youtubers that pranked each other. But thisone was different, no why would someone put keys in the ceiling as a prank? At ourstudio, I am only a technical assistant, I am always behind the camera and barely everget mentioned. It was until this rabbit hole started that I became a main character andfinal in front of the camera, center stage. The cameras never stopped rolling and thisrabbit hole of a Project hasn't either. Remember to breathe.
Being prank youtubers we are i went around the entire office interrogating peoplefor the video like content but behind the scenes we genuinely tried to find out where thekeys went. The keys themselves were sketchy. Tiny metal keys that had the numbers863 taped to them. Everyone guessed they were mailbox or PO box keys. We didn'tknow what the word "Century" on them meant but our Rekt host Gunner pointed out thatCentury is apparently a type of safe. Either like a money safe or a gun safe. Freakedout, we ended the video there. Next video we started out with looking for an old filingcabinet that the last owner of our studio building left behind, thinking we could try thekeys on that as the keys were not anyone's in our studio. We assumed it was the lastowner. We found the cabinet but the keys didn't work on it, so one of our Get GoodGaming hosts Connor asked if he could smash it open. We of course agreed for thevideo and click bait content but we first had to make sure it wasn't anyone's filingcabinet in the studio. We then dressed up and interrogated everyone in all the studiobuildings and offices. After everyone said it wasn't there, we agreed to let Connor breakopen the filing cabinet with a bat which indeed was fun, then after its opening, we endedup finding a mini safe. We tried the 863 combo and yes finally we got somewhere. Itworked but on the inside was another set of keys that had TS5 engraved on them. Themystery continues.
About a year and a half later without anything happening and without figuring outwhat the TS5 key goes to, our studio assistant Hannah while cleaning and organizingred base found a old desk left behind by the previous owners as well, and us being theyoutuber decided to grab a camera and look through it in case we found anything. Andwe did. There was a small box. And to our fun little surprise it led nowhere, though wethought. We first opened it looking through it and figuring out it was a lock making setand thinking it was nothing we were about to put our cameras down and go back towork, until our CEO Matthias looked closer and took it apart piece by piece, there wereQR codes and after decoded them and putting them in order, they were instructions. Amap. Lots of lefts and rights until there were ups and downs. We didn't understand it atfirst. We joked around until we found out the first place to start from that made the mostsense. Well naturally and with our curiosity we followed it, overall it led us to a wall. Wewere gonna leave it alone until again Matthias looked into it and realized there was aperfect square shape coveted over. Connor, the hockey player he is, shoulder checkedit. Ripping apart the perfect square into pieces and to our knowledge there was just ared box with a 3 digit code lock. Us being youtubers and recording, we were jokingaround trying to hype ourselves up or talking ourselves out of what it could have been inthere. We tried 863 and of course it worked. But what we found only scared us more.Thinking this was the end of our rabid goose chase was a simple mistake. Uponopening it there were only a few more keys found until we shook it and opened it more.Then led to over 50 keys, different shapes, colors and sizes. All saying more 3 digitcodes. All different.
A week went by due to the fact that we still have to work and we do have to keepthe studio running and videos posted. Matt, Samantha, Patrick, Tanner and I all decidedto dump out the keys on the floor in Matthias's old office space and attempt to organizeit to see if we can figure something out. In doing so, not only did we find a 711 keywhich made us just want slushies, Tanner found a key that had the word "Mountaineer"written on a piece of tape and slapped onto it. Wondering what the word Mountaineermeant we googled it. We narrowed down our choices and debunked that it was a car. Ihad the great idea to ask Woods if he knew anything about Mountaineer cars becausehe is a huge car nerd. Pat then realized while looking into it that he had seen a redMountaineer in our parking lot driving around during some of the old Battle Universeand Dope or Nope videos we filmed. We thought Pat was full of it. Until we saw itourselves. After seeing the red Mountaineer that Pat so nicely put it saying "I told youso" we got closer. The car itself was run down and shaggy. No license plates, which isillegal, and super dirty even just on the outside. In our curiosity, we wanted to open it.Samantha being the metaphorical mom of the studio she is, she thought that we don'twanna break into the car if it is owned by someone, Matt then pointed out that, it can'tbe, there's no license plates. After finding out that the key fits in the lock, not turning ityet, Samantha was trying to get us to stop. Tanner being the jester of the studio he is,said that if we had the key to our car, we all laughed knowing that's not true. Patremembered that the code of the key was 155, Matt then tried it on the car, it worked itopened it, the car alarm went off yes, but this Mountaineer key that has been in the wallfor who knows how many years, went to this red mountaineer we found in our parkinglot. And that's just where the story gets deeper. This key and code unlocked this car, butit wasn't our car, so we obviously didn't go through it. But we did mark the tires and theground with chalk in case it was moved by someone again knowing that yes someonehas been driving this mystery car around, that means there's another key that we do nothave.
Season Zero
Fanfictionthis is more or less adding yourself into the story its self as a main character.