Dear Future Self

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Dear Future Self,
Please don't live your life in Regret,
If something bad happens or you do something bad, move on and focus on the present and not the past.

Dear Future Self,
Please always have confidence in yourself because if you don't do things with confidence, you won't go anywhere in life.

Dear Future Self,
Keep the ones you love close,
Never lose a loved one over something stupid, you will regret it and the loved one probably won't forgive you.

Dear Future Self,
Always do what you think is right,
If you don't want to do something because it feels wrong, then don't do it.

Dear Future Self,
Love others no matter how many scars or flaws they have, maybe one day they will return that love when you need it most.

Dear Future Self,
Learn to live without Anxiety,
If you are invited somewhere by a friend but you feel like you will go there and they will talk about you harshly, there's a 99.9% chance that you are just Nervous and being Paranoid.

Dear Future Self,
If you decide there is no life for you and that no one loves you, just sit down and think about the people who loved you and all the good times you had, there's always something or someone for you to live for no matter where you go.

Dear Future Self,
It's okay to cry if things are tough, Crying is a natural response to hurt and it's okay to cry, but you have to stop and think about why you are crying, who is making you cry and what you are going to do about it.

Dear Future Self,
Life is hard,
We all know that, but things will get better, tommorow is a new day, make it a good one.

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